
JAKARTA - Dorce Gamalama has a strange past. He lives alone. His mother and father died not long after Dorce was born. The experience motivated him to work hard. From mambo ice sellers to bus attendants. His struggle was avenged, even though it was full of controversy (changed gender). He turned into a television star. As a form of gratitude, he set up a foundation to accommodate hundreds of orphans. The name is Dorce Halimatussa'diyah Foundation.

Dorce came into the world as a man named Dedi Yuliardi Ashadi. He was born to Achmad and Dalifah on July 21, 1963, Solok, West Sumatra. His birth was eagerly awaited by his parents. However, fate said otherwise. Dorce never recognized the faces of his father or mother.

When Dorce was three months old his mother had come to the Creator. Similarly, his father who followed in his wife's footsteps came to the Creator when Dorce was just one year old. As a result, from a young age Dorce was raised by his grandmother in a simple, if not affluent way.

Dorce's life began to be miserable when at the age of five he and his grandmother moved to Jakarta. Every day little Dorce had to fight with the ferocity of life. He immediately went to work to earn money. Just to survive, he thought.

Dorce Gamalama (Photo: IG @dg_kcp)

He was involved in all forms of modest work. He had worked as a mambo ice seller, a newspaper seller, and a city bus clerk. The weight of life had made Dorce fall into the world of shadows. He started using illegal drugs.

“That's right, almost nothing is hidden from Dorce. He opened himself up to journalists. He seemed to realize his past was an inseparable part of his present existence. His past is part of his strength. The part that has given him pride.”

“He is proud because from his past stories we can all learn valuable lessons. Living honestly, willing to work hard, not adventurous, as it is, sensitive to helping people in need, caring for orphans, must receive special attention from Allah SWT. It's really simple,” said Ilham Bintang in the book Observing the Little Leaves of Life (2007).

Famous and Generous

Dorce managed to get out of the black world. However, he found another problem. She wants to be a girl. Dorce revealed that dream because he felt that his soul was a woman. Physically only male.

In the 1970s, he made a bold move that sparked controversy. He is willing to do gender reassignment surgery. The operation was carried out after long discussions with many parties from various circles.

Dorce's intention to change sex had caused a commotion throughout Indonesia. Because, previously it was rare for a man to have sex change surgery to become a woman. It is said that Dorce is the second Indonesian to carry out the operation.

Dorce Gamalama - Denny Sumargo (Instagram @sumargodenny)

On the other hand, the sex change opened Dorce to the door to success. His career is booming as a true entertainer: singer, comedian, and presenter.

The success he achieved did not make Dorce dark eyes. He is aware that all kinds of property and life is a deposit from the almighty. Therefore, every coffers of income from the world of entertainment is directed at a noble mission. The mission is to empower orphans. The medium he chose was a foundation. Dorce Halimatussa'diyah Foundation, the name.

The foundation was built because it was similar to his childhood as an orphan. He didn't want other children to suffer the same fate. Which, feeling the bitterness of living by working odd jobs and being close to the black world. He calls the past as revenge. A revenge that should be fully avenged by empowering other orphans.

“We cannot possibly do good sincerely if our hearts are filled with revenge. Impossible. If I were a vindictive person, I certainly would not have founded the Dorce Halimatussa'diyah Foundation. Maybe I'd like to party more. Satisfy yourself with all worldly pleasures or indulge in anything,” concludes Dorce in the book Aku Perempuan: A Winding Way of a Dorce Gamalama (2005).

*Read other information about HISTORY or read other interesting articles from Detha Arya Tifada.

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