
JAKARTA - National Press Day (HPN) which is commemorated every February 9 cannot be separated from the history of the formation of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) in Surakarta on February 9, 1946. The formation of this professional journalist organization became the beginning of the struggle against colonialism in Indonesia through the media and writing.

The stipulation of February 9 as National Press Day was confirmed through Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia No. 5 of 1985, which was then signed by President Suharto on January 23, 1985. The Presidential Decree stated that the Indonesian press had a history of struggle and an important role in implementing the development of Pancasila practice.

National Press Monument in Surakarta, Central Java. (Photo: Wikipedia)

Since then, each HPN celebration has been held alternately in cities throughout Indonesia. This year HPN is commemorated in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi. A series of events will be held to commemorate the 2022 HPN, and will be culminated by President Jokowi's Speech.

Spokesman for the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) RI, Dedy Permadi said journalists have an important role in highlighting and accelerating changes in society, to safeguard the nation's struggle.

"From time to time, the presence of Indonesian journalists not only highlights the existing changes, but also accelerates changes for the better for the Indonesian people," Dedy told ANTARA, written on Wednesday.

"Since the time of the struggle for independence and until now, journalists have always been present in guarding the struggle, bringing light and reliable information, as well as encouraging transformation towards an advanced Indonesian nation," said Dedy.

Journalist Independence and the Invasion of Social Media

In today's era, independence is often seen as the missing spirit of journalism in Indonesia. Journalists are seen as more of a role as a mouthpiece. Neither the mouthpiece of the government, nor private entrepreneurs. Technological progress is also suspected as one of the factors that affect the independence of journalists.

"The Ministry of Communications and Informatics hopes that journalists can always bring information to all Indonesian people in order to educate and maintain national unity. The information presented must be actual, factual, and credible. It doesn't stop there, journalists also have a responsibility to always take into account the impact and build humanism from the information published," said Dedy again.

Top Sembiring Depari, General Chairperson of the Central PWI. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

The existence of social media which is increasingly favored by the public is also seen as a serious competitor to journalism-based media. Based on the research results of the Press Council and the Faculty of Communication, Prof. University. DR. Moestopo (Beragama) in 2021, social media is still the top choice for people to get news, surpassing the mainstream media based on journalism.

"One day people will say, this is not true information on social media. He will verify the information obtained on social media to journalism-based media. Most of social media is not serious, only entertainment. That's why the role of journalism-based media is important compared to social media,” said the Head of the Central PWI, Atas Sembiring Depari in a special interview with VOI.

Illustration of online media. (Photo: Antara)

Therefore, according to Atal, journalists must have dual skills, namely technology literacy in order to be able to compete with the hubbub of social media.

“Journalists must always adapt to technological advances. Advances in technology actually open up opportunities for journalists, but journalists must have more skills. His abilities must be honed in order to be able to do many things. Not only writing, but also doing many things that must be done in the era of technology, "said Atal again.

President Joko Widodo in his remarks at the 2022 HPN which was conducted online from the Bogor Palace, again emphasized the strategic position of the press for the Indonesian nation and state. The press has a big role to play in determining the future of Indonesia, reporting events according to existing facts as well as preventing hoaxes. Happy National Press Day.

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