
JAKARTA - Some time ago, Anonymous made a new theory regarding the deaths of Chris Cornell (Soundgarden), Chester Bennington (Linkin Park), and Kurt Cobain (Nirvana). According to a group of hackers who call themselves hacktivists, aka hacker activists, the three well-known musicians were killed because they were linked to a child trafficking network connected to Jeffrey Epstein. So, what is the Epstein network?

Reporting from various sources, Jeffrey Epstein is a wealthy businessman who became a defendant in the sex trade of girls. A close colleague of the President of the United States (US) Donald Trump was found ending his life by hanging himself behind bars at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan, USA on August 10, 2019.

Epstein has been investigated since 2005. Having been imprisoned for several months in 2008, he was again arrested on July 6, 2019 on charges of sex trafficking against minors.

After his death, this big businessman left a secret notebook containing his relationships with figures such as Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump.

Launching MARCA, a number of other figures who, according to Anonymous, are suspected of being involved in the 'Epstein Network' for child trafficking, including Naomi Campbell, Tony Blair, Michael Bloomberg, Kevin Spacey, and Mick Jagger.

Being super rich with an income of up to 2 billion US dollars allows Epstein to do whatever he wants. He never married, but instead stumbled on a scandal of having sex with an underage girl to serve his sexual needs.

About 30 women survivors of the Eipstein sex trade crime testify before a judge in federal court in New York, August 27, 2019. Some of them cry because they fell into Epstein's network. One of them, Courtney Wild, who said she was sexually abused by Epstein in Palm Beach, Florida when she was 14 years old.

The founder and sole owner of the financial management company Financial Trust Co is known to be very kind and generous. This man who never holds a bachelor's degree is also known as a smart person. However, the prostitution scandal that surrounded him sent Epstein behind bars until he took his own life. However, in another theory it is stated that Eipstein did not die and hide in Israel.

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