
JAKARTA - Interpol is one of the bands that will fill the Joyland Festival 2023 line-up which will be held at GBK Baseball Stadium, Central Jakarta this weekend, November 24-26.

In a press conference in Senayan, Central Jakarta on Monday, November 20, Mocca and The Adams, two groups from within the country who are also on the line-up stated that they were looking forward to the performance of the New York band.

"If the most awaited outside performer, Interpol," said Riko Prayitno, Mocca guitarist.

"It's an Interpol, it's still because they are one of our inspirations," said Ario Hendrawan, vocalist and guitarist of The Adams.

Apart from Interpol, the 2023 Jakarta Joyland Festival also presents many other foreign musicians, such as Mew, Fleet Foxes, d4vd, Benny Sings, Alvvays, The Beths, Bloc Party, Homeshake, and many others.

Meanwhile, for domestic performers, although it is considered presenting segmented music, the promoter stated that they have considered musicians who appear with their market targets.

Maybe match the target market for Joyland, yes. If it's local, they'll listen to this one. More or less, yes, what will be shown in Joyland tomorrow," said Ferry Dermawan, co-founder of Plainsong Live.

For information, several domestic performers are BAP., Bernadya, Dongker, Gabber Operandi Mode, The Adams, Mocca, Reality Club, Rock N Roll Mafia, The Panturas, Leipzig, Magic Competition, Sore, David Bayu, to Maliq & D'Escentials.

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