
JAKARTA - The debut album of an American-based electronics musician, Yaeji, With A Hammer was finally released.

An aristicode for self-exploration, dealing with self-emotion and a possible transformation if you are brave enough to do so.

The latest single to welcome this latest album is also present. A song called Passed Me By with a hypnotized hook and trip-hop drums reminiscent of the 90s K-pop pioneer work, Seo Taiji.

In this song, Yaeji greets herself younger: 'Do you remember your time?' he asked in Korean before turning to English: "Did you know that person is still / Inside you waiting for you to notice?

The hypnotized Hook is backed by a sad trip-hop drum that reminds the early work of K-pop pioneer in the 90s, Seo Taiji.

Yaeji also received a positive response from Song Explorer, NY Mag/Pitchfork/Guardian & GQ Korea.

Currently, he is preparing for the launch of the US tour and appearing at the Coachella Festival.

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