
JAKARTA - The legendary Indonesian musician, Ahmad Dhani, has banned Once Mekel from singing the song Dewa 19 as of Tuesday.

"I announce that I specifically prohibit Once from singing Dewa 19 songs since I said them in the media today," he said in the Jakarta area.

Ahmad Dhani forbade this because he and other personnel were holding a Dewa 19 concert tour.

"Because Dewa is currently on tour after Eid every two weeks. So there should be no other concerts that interfere with the tour," he said.

"Once it is forbidden to use Dewa's songs in his concert. Other Ahmad Dhani songs are allowed. Like my songs in the TRIAD, Ahmad Band, and at Reza Artamevia," he continued.

There has been no complete information regarding when this ban will be eased. Ahmad Dhani only said this was true until he announced it again.

"Until I agree again later. Every weekend twice, later I don't want the song Dewa 19 to sing at another concert. That's why it can disturb Dewa and EO who hold the Dewa concert," he said.

"We give the title by that EO Dewa 19 which can perform Dewa 19 songs," he concluded.

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