
Ranjiani released its first EP (mini album) titled Silence Voice on various digital streaming services on March 17.

The EP containing these four tracks is the result of a conversation between him and himself. You could say, these various works were born from several moments of his deeper introduction.

The four songs include telling stories about the people around them who are increasingly indifferent to other creatures in the songs Rumah Ibu, Kepak Crow, and Boat Paper.

Then, it is closed with a Brightness which tells the story of prayer and hope for yourself and others who have gone through difficult moments.

Ranjiani menceritakan, proses yang ia mengalami dalam EP ini ia lakukan dengan cara berdiam diri dalam sidangan, berbincang dengan dirinya, dan mencari pelajaran yang bisa ia ambil dalam kejadian sehari-hari.

"I really like this moment because here I can deep talk to myself, get to know myself better, think about learning me from everyday events, and not infrequently finally there are feelings or interesting thoughts," said Ranjiani in a written statement received by the editor.

The EP was also assisted by Eky Rizkani (filling almost all instruments), Yana Septilia (biola), and Zetta Hannany (the lyricist).

Ranjiani hopes that the songs can be friends for people who are fragile.

"Hopefully the songs can make you feel not alone anymore," concluded Ranjiani.

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