
JAKARTA - Since releasing the album LEXICON in 2019, Isyana Sarasvati has always appeared with her different works. As in the latest music video titled My Mystery which was released on March 15.

In this music video, this female soloist from Bandung tries to express her fear of being haunted by monsters at night.

Unique characters and visuals are also present in this music video. Starting from cucumbers trying to save themselves from Isyana after falling to the floor, images of cows from a grid packaging, headbangable eggs, and several people who became giant fruit lying in Isyana's family space.

Visual thrilling but also humorous to enrich the audience's taste and imagination and connoisseur of the song, Isyana's story about the concept of My Mystery's music video in a written statement received by the editor.

In this single, he tells about the unconscious conflict he feels and often wants to overflow.

"This song My Mystery has actually been released since last year but through this music video I want to invite the audience to feel the excitement and fun when they meet on the live stage, they can jump freely or headbang with me," said Isyana.

For information, the My Mystery music video can now be enjoyed on YouTube.

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