
JAKARTA - After fifteen years, you will first return with a new album entitled Immitation.

A series of songs on this album will be released one by one first. In addition, this album is also slightly different from In Medio (2008) because this time he rearranged a number of songs from various musicians he admired.

Among them are Temporary (Float), Padhang Bulan (Franky Sahilatua), Question Marks ( Rocket Flying Group), and A Circle of Love for You (Barock Circuit).

Then, Alcohol (Sisitipsi), Mawar Batu (Ramayana Soul), Samalona (Imanez), About Me (Jingga), Cinta (Bonita), and Bidadari Rescue (Slank).

Then there are If (Naif), December (Village House Effect), Mighty Love (Zeke and The Popo), Waltz for Dara (Mad Madmen), Rumah (Mr Thirteen), and 100km/hour (The Brandals).

The news was reported through your first Instagram account.

"I will try to bring back the songs of musicians that I am amazed for. This album is the title of imitation and I will try to rearrange it with one instrument. I hope it's fun, hehe.. Catet and simpen the date, guys.

For information, the cover of the song Temporary (Float) will be released first on March 10.

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