
JAKARTA - Steve Vai clarified his recent comments that he had enough material recorded with Ozzy Osbourne for a full album.

In an interview with Eonmusic, the flamboyant guitarist said he was "sitting together with Ozzy recording a lot of material", adding that he couldn't do anything with the material because he didn't have the right to do that.

But, now, in a social media post, Steve revealed that there is quite a lot of music written for the entire album, but those songs are never finished and need to be re-recorded before being released to the public.

The following is Steve Vai's full clarification regarding the material he recorded with Ozzy Osbourne:

"In a recent interview I spoke a little carelessly about 'play on Ozzy''s entire album and then clickbait's headline went viral," Steve made his clarification.

"To clarify, Ozzy and I were together around 96 and spent some time trying to create some potential songs for an album that he had recorded in half. The footage then came out as 'Ozzmosis'.

"We demonstrated a few songs and then there were a lot of songs I made for him to listen to. He finally chose one song to use on his album and it was 'My Little Man'. It was re-recorded with the band, and the results were good.

"Only another demo song from the session had Ozzy's initial vocals and I handed over all the demo Master tapes to the label and stored safety tapes from the songs I made myself. The whole recording, but those songs need to be re-recorded. Demo is a wavy roadmap but not the goal.

"I, like a lot of Ozzy fans, would be happy if any of Ozzy's secret albums were hidden somewhere, just to reveal to our shocked ears in the future, but it won't come from that session. Sorry for this confusion."

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