
JAKARTA Friday, February 17, 2023, we arrived at Wow Cafe, South Jakarta, at 19.00 WIB to witness the birth of a new single from the country's rock rap unit, Saint Loco, entitled At the End Every time. We arrived on time according to the hours of the event so we wouldn't miss the Release Party Concert even a minute.

However, it turned out that we came too soon because not a single opening band had set them on stage. The opening bands included M.i.n.t., Ghoss, and Bemind. Even though in the end, Bemind was not there at all.

Meanwhile, M.i.n.t and Ghoss, finally appeared to warm the atmosphere at 21.45 WIB. Each of them performed about 4-5 of his flagship songs with a loudspeaker from Wow Cafe that was not as big as his name. The sound that emerged drowned occurred several times when they showed his spurs. We hope that when Saint Loco appears, problems like this don't happen.

The two opening bands are already carrying out their duties. Now, it's time for Saint Loco to throw his rap story. However, before that, they did a fairly long soundcheck. Naturally, the previous bands had voice problems when performing.

At that moment, we also salute the protruding 'trick' to entertain the waiting audience. After the soundcheck, Saint Loco immediately started the action. The audience greeted them with applause.

The personnel who appeared on stage included Anindya Dimas Pramadhyana (vocals), Berry Manoch (rap), Timothy Firman (DJ), Iwan Hoediarto (guitar), Gilbert Joshua (bass), Nyonkani Manuhutu (drums), and their additional guitarist, namely Asido Sigit.

Dimas opened Saint Loco's appearance by shouting a message at the song Behind the Palace Door. The voice immediately triggered the audience to stand out of his chair. Other personnel even move on stage like being possessed. This action certainly has a positive effect to liven up the concert atmosphere. Then, Dimas ended the first song with a kick that led to Nyonk's drum.

Next, Saint Loco covered GIGI's favorite song. Their performance opened with the words 'hot, hot, hot, hot' which the audience answered with the this body' over and over again. They started the song energetically, more powerful than the original with the sound music and vocals that hit it.

Dimas turns out to have a high voice and stunning scream. Honestly, we haven't watched Saint Loco since Dimas was asked to be a vocalist. Towards the end of the song which is getting closer to climax, another problem arises again when the guitar sounds go out completely. Fortunately, this problem can be resolved quickly.

The next number is back on cover, this time the song Free from Iwa-K. Sing a long audience also decorates the entire song. However, this time the problem arises from the mik Dimas that died approaching the end of the song. Luckily there are still Tius and Berry who sing along. So this song was closed quite well.

After that, to start the fourth song, Tius opened his jacket first because the atmosphere was getting hotter. This can be seen from the overflow of the personnel who flowed hard all over the body.

The song Akhir Every now and then is what fans have been waiting for. However, before starting, Dimas told first that this song he made for his beloved mother. At the same time, he also introduced his family who were present at this event.

Next, the End of Every Start is played. This is the song that is the most different from the number of numbers at this concert. Because, in this song Saint Loco feels more sad than the previous songs.

In addition, Iwan's guitar sounds more melancholic. Even though the distortion was thin, it hit each other occasionally on the chorus. The Dimas vocals also appeared to be attractive in high voices. At a slower tempo, it seems that this song is intended so that the personnel can rest in the middle of the concert.

The performance continued with the fifth song, Nirmala. This time they hit the audience again and made him nod his head faster.

Then, in number six, namely Nakl. Berry's nuance sequencer and rap dominated throughout the song. Dimas also appeared wilder by climbing the front spectator table. Finally, this song ended with a climax which was greeted by the roar of the audience's applause which was louder than the previous songs.

The next song is the most famous of Saint Loco, Energy Therapy. In fact, we still remember clearly the part of 'enjoy this music' which used to often come through video clips on television. However, this time the tempo felt faster than the previous version.

After that, the set closed with the song Hiprock and Bento cover from Iwan Fals. Of course, the two songs caused the atmosphere to get out of control, both from the personnel and the audience. Nine numbers were performed by Saint Loco intensely.

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