
JAKARTA Morgensoll will enliven the Dunk! Festival which will be held in Belgium in May 2023. This band is the only representative from Indonesia to attend the event.

The band from Jakarta, which is fronted by Haecal Aliba Benarivo (guitar), Bagas Wisnu Wardhana (drums), Yohanes Devin (guitar), and Adaksa Wisesa (bass) will also appear on the same stage as Godflesh.

Very excited to announce that we will be playing at the upcoming @dunkfestival Belgium May 2023. Finally making our way to Europe. Another tour will be coming soon," said the post-metal band.

Post-metal is a type of music rooted in heavy metal but contains explorations of other genres. This genre typically struggles with a long duration experimental composition, which further emphasizes atmosphere, emotions, and progressives.

This is proven through the album Morgensoll entitled Eternal which has these elements. Also, the album containing only four songs has a duration of approximately 40 minutes.

This type of music is considered very rarely played by a number of bands in Indonesia. Even for most metal music lovers in the country itself, this genre is still foreign to know.

Therefore, there is no need to be surprised if the European music market is more concerned about Morgensoll than the music market in Indonesia.

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