
JAKARTA - David Bayu looked stunning in a single concert titled Di Dalam Jiwa Concert which was held at the M Bloc Space Live House on Friday, February 10, evening.

The musicians who accompanied the former vocalist of Naif's band, namely Vega Antares (guitar), Erickson Jayanto (keyboards), White Orchestra (biola), Taufik Wirzon (bass), Aditya Anggara (drums), and Samuel Sipahutar (flute & saksogon) also completed the splendor of Unionwell's wedding.

However, not only the musicians. The lighting, governance, and stage stages are also very attractive. The concept of vintage nuances presented by the organizers raises a big question mark on our heads. Who is behind his creative ideas?

Before long, the question was immediately answered through David Bayu's mouth in the middle of the concert.

"Give my hand to my son, Jason, who has made this stage set," said David.

However, that answer made us even more curious. How is the cultivation process? We also asked a man whose full name is Jason Davis regarding this matter.

Jason conveyed that the concept of the stage in the Concert soul was inspired by MTV Unplugged.

"From the stage set, we actually have simple preparations, yes, because we took the inspiration from the performance stage like the 90s of MTV Unplugged, yes, like Nirvana Unplugged," said Jason.

He also explained the issues of the concept that he wanted to convey through the concept of the vintage stage.

"We actually want the stage to be cofy, the concept is like a living room, that's why there's a sofa right there. Therefore, from the lighting that is also set, some are yellow, so let's give the impression of warmth and homey," he concluded.

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