
JAKARTA Heavy rain approached the southern part of the city of Jakarta on Friday, February 10, afternoon. As a result, the trip to the M Bloc Space Live House was slightly hampered. In the end, we were lucky to get to the event Inside the Concert with a set of stages with the concept of a living room initiated by Jason Davis.

When we stepped on at the entrance, we were immediately greeted by the opening song from David Bayu's solo album, namely Di Dalam Jiwa, as well as very inspiring sound and lighting.

In fact, David Bayu has performed several Naif songs in the first session, including That's Love, Promise Setia, Where I'm here, and Far. However, for us, David Bayu's concert as a soloist has just started.

Therefore, allow us to start the storyline of the event In the Concert Soul from the song Di Dalam Jiwa.

As on the other stages of Naif that we miss, David Bayu always rained down on the audience with forestry jokes while waiting for his accompanying band personnel to arrange their respective musical instruments. The players include Vega Antares (guitar), Erickson Jayanto (keyboards), White Orchestra (biola), Taufik Wirzon (bass), Aditya Anggara (drums), and Samuel Sipahutar (flute & saxophone).

The joy of the audience to welcome the song was felt through a wave of sound that graced the whole cold room of the M Bloc Space Live House. Not only ticket buyers, David Bayu in his red suit and the players also welcomed the intro flute which was very anessing to this song.

After performing Di Dalam Jiwa, David Bayu sang the song Human. Had stopped for a moment due to forgetting the lyrics, the audience immediately laughed at the behavior of the concert star.

"His name is also human," said David Bayu.

Not long after, humans were repeated from the start. Instantly, a feeling of thinness immediately hit our hearts. "There is no beautiful story from something easy, but I try to live it all", feels very touching through his voice. Just now the energy of the second song has been felt, even though the concert is still long.

Next, in the third song, David Bayu performs It's Ok For Me Now. This sad song, which is conveyed optimistically, is very much illustrated by the type of acid back. It of course also radiated from the gestures of the audience who also celebrated the sad with the nod of their head.

After It's Ok For Me Now, the fourth song was played. It looks like this song is the most awaited song for the audience.

"You want to cry? I'll give you this song! Is there something wrong with choosing someone? Ask David Bayu to the audience before starting the song Deritaku.

The lighting that led to the audience was immediately turned off. It seems that it aims to penetrate the song more.

The lyrics of the first part I accept all were greeted with great fanfare by the audience who sang along. The song that had made us goosebumps when listening to it on the digital music platform was felt right away that night.

Especially in the way to the end, David Bayu sang very nicely exactly as in the digital version. "Aaaaaaavanndauaiiiii I used to" make the lovebirds in the room hug more closely than in the previous songs.

Admittedly. In this song, David Bayu is still David Bayu who is still performing prime with his vocals that is so high.

The next number is Dark. The spotlight is only on David Bayu with his guitar playing. This is the darkest song among the others on the album Di Dalam Jiwa.

Entering the middle of the event, David Bayu still continues to entertain with the song Mana and Heaven in Your Heart. Before closing the second session, David Bayu started by venting about the contents of the song "Submitting".

"I feel old and I just realized how short our time in this world is, so hopefully the rented period will still be extended," said David Bayu.

Through these words, the audience suddenly muted. Maybe they're busy reflecting on their life journey.

A few minutes later, surrendering was sung. "Until the time has come, he will return home, will he accept, I only surrender" to represent a David Bayu in his current mind.

The second session is finally over. Eight numbers in the album Di Dalam Jiwa have been completed. Next, David Bayu brought back Naif's songs. Among other things Change, Women, Iflau, Piknik 72, He Is the Heritage of a Million Human Peoples Who Are All Around the World, Happy with You, Towal-Towel, Love Hearts, Give Me to Love, and I Willing to cover.

The entire Naif bonus track was observed to be able to make the audience applaud harder than the songs on the album Di Dalam Jiwa. However, this concert is still a showcase for David Bayu as a soloist.

It should be appreciated more, this concert did not present guest stars and collaborators at all. David Bayu certainly believes that he can beat his fans with only himself and the stage musicians who support him.

However, we feel that the Naif songs performed by David Bayu at this single concert are guests who also attended the event. It's okay, we are also happy for the treatment of this longing.

But, on the other hand, through his solo concert with music that is not much different from Naif, we have not been able to see the figure of David Bayu as a complete soloist. May Naif still hugs him tightly. It was as if all Naive personnel were one through David Bayu's body.

"Of course this is not David Bayu's fault. After all, he looked very stunning at the event, until we said several times rudely because of his greatness on stage.

This is just our perspective that we may not get used to seeing David Bayu perform without Naif. It seems that it will take longer for David Bayu to be able to release the ranks of the legendary band members who have decided to disband two years ago.

However, we should be grateful for the concert treat that night. To the total players, as well as the team that has thought about the concept of a stage and lighting that is really interesting.

Of course also to David Bayu who performed great that night. We congratulate him because his trip as a soloist has just begun.

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