
JAKARTA - Bandung's thrash metal unit, Iron Voltage, threw their latest music video titled Dying Breath on February 8. This happy news, of course, caught the attention of fans.

The band consisting of Edy Haryanto (vocals), Yowdi Santiar (guitar), Reyga Adi Glatira (guitar), Eka Nurzaman (bass) and Garry Yulianto (drums) uploaded photos along with information regarding the release of this music video via their Instagram account.

"The new music video, Iron Voltage -using Breath, is available for streaming on youtube!" they said.

The music video for Dying Breath is also the third visual work of iron Voltage after the last release of Devastation and Immortal Crush. Dying Breath is part of their first album titled Devastation.

Under the auspices of Disaster Records, the album Devastation contains ten songs affected by Exodus, Metallica, and Testament.

For the time being, we can only enjoy this album in the form of a CD. Iron Voltage has not fully explained the reasons for the absence of this album on various digital music platforms.

Therefore, monitor their social media to get further information.

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