
These American trio rocks will release their latest album titled Desire Pathway on February 17 via Don Giovanni Records.

This album caught the attention of world rock fans because it was recorded at Pachyderm Studios, which is the same studio Nirvana recorded the 1993 album In Utero.

Their first single on this album has been released in advance on digital music services, namely Brass Bell, contains lyrics about the release of the stand on us to get something big.

"This song tells the story of handing over your autonomy to something strong, so you are willing to let go of your ambitions and self-esteem," said Marissa Paternoster as a bandleader.

Marissa also mentioned that Brass Bell's single is intended to create an interesting dichotomy in terms of musicals.

"My goal is to create an interesting dichotomy between a song that is both powerful and gloomy and the lyrics contain concerns," Marissa continued of the song Brass Bell.

All of the above statements of course make us curious. How will you look at the cavity of the hearts of music listeners through the theme of songs that are very relevant to all humans?

Listen to Brass Bell's singles for more on various digital music services.

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