
JAKARTA - Guitarist Demi Lovato, Nita Takjau baru menjalani operasi tempihan meniskus (boneg rawan yang terdapat pada kneet). Procedure tersebut diawasi oleh Dr. Michael Banffy, ahli atortopedi di Cedars-Sinai, Los Angeles, yang juga dokter tim udaran football, Los Angeles Rams.

On Tuesday, December 27, the former guitarist Alice Cooper shared a short video from the hospital and included a message about her condition after undergoing surgery.

"The meniskus repair operation went as well as possible! Very grateful for the steady hands of doctor Rams Dr. Banffey and the great staff at the surgery center. Josh [Villalla, Nita's boyfriend who also plays drums in his solo band and manages his career] and my mom was here to take care of me afterwards and everything was fine," Nita explained, quoted from Blabbermouth.

Nita's injury operation lasted seven months after she first suffered an injury while on a tour with Alice Cooper.

Nita, who has been an internal guitarist for the Los Angeles Rams home game since the team moved to the SoFi Stadium in 2020, previously discussed its operations in social media posts last November.

"I wanted to tell you about my knee condition, for those who were wondering. I did pre-operation last week, and, unfortunately, it didn't go exactly what I expected," Nita said in a video message.

"According to my doctor, eight months of appearing with a torn meniscus condition is not good at all. The injury is getting worse. So surgery should be done by the end of the year after Christmas, after Rams' last game and it took me a full month to return to normal activities.

"So, there's no show, nothing. I'm very disappointed because of the conditions; I hope to get better now. But that's how it is."

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