
JAKARTA - Two years after the Dating Train album, now HiVi! spawned an album titled Ceritera. The album was released online on November 13, which was proclaimed in a showcase titled Pesta Ceritera two days later.

In a press conference session that took place at Oeang Cafe, M Bloc Space, South Jakarta, just before the showcase, the creative process of Ceritera was revealed by HiVi !. One of them, regarding the selection of Tohpati as the producer of this album.

“The relationship (HiVi! And Tohpati) has been a long time, since meeting each other at a concert, then HiVi's manager! contacting Mas Tohpati, "said Febri opening the session. Tohpati then agreed to the invitation because he saw HiVi! have an interesting idea.

"What I like about HiVi! In principle, Indonesian music does not need foreigners really," said Tohpati who looked at HiVi! as a band serving 70 -'80s-style music.

Interestingly, HiVi! invited Tohpati as a producer after all the songs for the Ceritera album had been recorded. HiVi! started recording this third album since 2018 but they also include old songs that have not been released.

Tohpati see, HiVi! does not have a prominent member so that the portions are balanced with one another. When asked about HiVi! 'S favorite song, Tohpati mentioned Remaja as his choice.

The workshop process to post production, which lasted four months, was passed healthily. The reason for this is the regular working hours and the warmth of the recording atmosphere in Tohpati's studio felt by HiVi! Personnel. The producer also has a goal of working on the HiVi! Album. so that every week there is always new progress.

"The working time is at least nine o'clock that night," said Ezra, guitarist for HiVi!

And interestingly, there is a role for food in the birth process of the Ceritera. HiVi! explained, the first time he invited Tohpati to meet him was through eating at a mall in Jakarta. Likewise with the recording process which always ends with a meal together.

“Can't describe it. Working with Tohpati is really healthy, really fast, inexperienced and very fun. From the start of the workshop to the end of the recording, it ends with a meal. We felt bad, ”said Febri.

Neida as the vocalist also recounts the luxury dining experience. At that time, HiVi! While eating pecel at Tohpati's house, suddenly Tohpati picked up a guitar and played a beautiful tone.

"That became the most luxurious pecel," said Neida, accompanied by laughter from the media.

Hivi! and Tohpati (Tarida Angelina / VOI)

Ceritera, A Name For A Reason

The word Ceritera may sound new to the public. The story was chosen by HiVi! as the title of the album because they wanted to connect the story from the first album, Say Hi! To HiVi! and the second album, Train Dating.

“Say Hi! To HiVi! it's like getting acquainted with Indonesian music lovers through HiVi! 's music. Then, on the Dating Train, we want to date music lovers. Then in Ceritera, there is no other way to relate other than to tell stories, ”Ezra explained.

Still carrying pop music, this album is HiVi's favorite album! because it goes through many interesting processes. One of them, the members began to actively write or produce songs so that the band did not escape the challenge.

“Every album has its own challenges and it's getting harder and harder to come here. But we learned a lot from Tohpati. Every workshop, we sit together and share about ancient life, "said Ilham.

Meanwhile, Tohpati felt the vocal range between Neida and Ilham was often a challenge. Sometimes they feel suitable for women, not suitable for men, and vice versa.

"The challenge is between vocal ranges to be unified," said Tohpati

Inviting Musician Friends

Although HiVi! involved in the production process, in fact Ceritera also involved many guest musicians. Apart from Tohpati, there were Candra Darusman, Fajar Adi Nugroho, Nino Kayam, Yo Iqbal, and Bowie (Gugun Blues Shelter). This trip also marks 10 years of Hivi! exist in the Indonesian music industry.

"Do not feel. In 10 years, this is a passion, this is a favorite. Music has become our way of life. If you are happy to do it, time will feel fast, ”said Febri.

A stage was presented by HiVi! for HiFriends (as HiVi fans!) who have accompanied HiVi's career! to date.

“I have always wanted to make a showcase, but it's only now being done. So, the Ceritera Party is a celebration of Hivi's album and journey! ” said Neida.

HiVi! hopes to go on tour starting next year and would like to collaborate with many musicians in the future.

When asked about their favorite song from the album Ceritera, Hivi! and Tohpati mentioned their respective choices. Besides Ezra who chose Happy and Neida who chose Stone Statue, Ilham and Tohpati chose Earth and the Moon.

"To be honest, when I took this song I was crying. There was a five minute cry. Because the instrument alone is sad. This is the second song recorded crying after the Third Person, ”explained Ilham.

Bumi dan Bulan is the fourth single from the album Ceritera after the only one, then Jatuh, Bangkit Kembali !, dan Pemuda.

Unlike his three friends and Tohpati, Febri admits that he likes all the songs in Ceritera because this third album is his favorite. But if he had to choose, he pointed to Fall, Rise Again! as an option. The reason is that shooting a video clip in Palu after the earthquake made Hivi! increased.

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