
JABAR - Bandung City Police started to give a green light signal for music concerts after a new regulation issued by the Bandung City Government through Mayor Regulation Number 44/2022.

Head of Bandung Polrestabes, Police Commissioner Aswin Sipayung, said that holding music concerts or the like must still comply with the applicable health protocol rules. Because, he said, permission from the police is still a condition for holding activities.

"If the Perwal is in place, then there must be a recommendation for permission from the Polrestabes, that permit is a condition for holding the concert," he said, in Bandung, West Java (Jabar), Thursday, May 26.

Apart from the Bandung Mayor's Regulation, he explained that the rules in the latest Minister of Home Affairs Instruction also allow the activity to be held in PPKM level II areas with the condition that visitors are only 50 percent of the total capacity.

"As long as the 50 percent room capacity requirement is met, that's fine," he said, as quoted by Antara.

He also ensured that the police who are still members of the Covid-19 Task Force will continue to monitor the organization of the event even though they have given permission.

"If there is one point that they violate, we will close it. However, we must first remind persuasively from our Task Force and the City Government, if they do not heed the last option, they must stop if they are stubborn," said Sipayung.

Previously, the Bandung City Government began to allow music concerts to invite crowds after the Covid-19 case in the capital city of West Java had decreased.

In Bandung Mayor Regulation Number 44/2022, it is stated that the allowed activities include art concerts, music, culture, and other activities, including meetings, conferences and exhibitions.

Even so, the implementation of activities indoors or outdoors must continue to apply the Covid-19 health protocol strictly. Because in the regulation, there are a number of restrictions on the number of visitors based on the area of land where the activity takes place.

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