
YOGYAKARTA 'Busy motorbikes' are components that function to process electrical stresses from coils to sparks for the combustion process. Without sparks, the combustion process will not run optimally, so the engine performance will also become non-optimal. In fact, it is not impossible that the engine cannot turn on. Well, motorcycle plugs are divided into various types. The following is information about the type of motor busy and its function that you need to know.

1. Standard Bus

The first type of motorbike is the standard busy. This is a built-in busy from a motorcycle manufacturer factory.

This boost stabilizes engine combustion when engine spins are moderate or low.

The age of using standard busies is very diverse, starting from 10-20 thousand km for normal use. More than that, the performance of the busy is less than optimal. If this happens, your motorized vehicle will be difficult to turn on.

Therefore, if the performance of the busi is not optimal, you are advised to replace it with a new one rather than having to sacrifice the experience of driving while on the highway. The reason is, outdated motorboats not only make it difficult to turn on motorbikes, but can make motorbikes strike at any time.

2. Busion iridium

This component is usually used by a motorbike with a large engine above 150 cc. The iridium Busion has an electrode tip made of nickel. Meanwhile, the center or center is made of iridium alloy.

Age using this type of busi is longer than standard busies. The iridium season can be used to cover a distance of 40-50 thousand kilometers. More than that, its performance will decrease and must be replaced immediately.

One of the functions of iridium busies is to reduce the load when the system turns on. In addition, the electric voltage and sparks produced by iridium busies will come out in the ideal portion so that the combustion process will run better.

3. Busion racing

This type of motorcycle bus is commonly used on motorbikes that are used for racing and require maximum acceleration.

Busion racing is specially designed to withstand the high engine temperature. However, the lifespan is quite short, which is only 20-30 thousand kilometers and must be replaced after its performance decreases.

4. platinum Busion

Also known as semi-racing busies, platinum busies are a type of motorboat that is heat resistant.

The difference between platinum busies and other types of motorbikes lies in the design of the electrodes that are made a bit thin.

platinum Busion has an electrode tip made of nickel. While the section of the center is made of platinum. These materials make the influence of heat channeled to the busy much smaller than standard busy in general.

The advantage of platinum busies is to make the combustion process faster so that the engine is more responsive and at the same time has high durability. This type of motorcycle plug can be used up to 30 thousand km.

5. Busion of recitors

The last type of motorcycle busi is the resistor busi. Usually there is the R logo in the busi section.

The resistor Busion functions as a protector of digital electronic devices attached to vehicles and ECUs on modern injection motors.

That's the information about the type of motorbike. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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