
JAKARTA - After the official launch some time ago, Harley Davidson X500 was rumored to be entering the United States market. This refers to the service guidebook at the manufacturer's official service, on October 11.

Quoted from the Rideapart page, it is certain that X500 will not enter the market in the United States, but the information is for the release of the Asian market. However, it is not explained which country will be targeted.

"Harley-Davidson has informed us that the X500 has been and is intended to be released on the Asian market, and will not be present in the US," wrote a tweet on the Rideapart page, Sunday, October 15.

Previously, in the serve guidebook listed on the official Harley Davidson UK website, it was clearly shown about compliance with emission requirements, including in various countries.

It is unclear why the information was listed, while on the other hand the manufacturer claims it will not enter the United States market.

But referring to the market share in the US, it seems reasonable. Because the last time Harley Davidson released 500cc bicycles in the US market was the Street 500 model, and the seller was not as expected.

Of course, re-entering the US market requires a lot of research, prices and models so that two-wheeled lovers can be well received in the country.

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