
YOGYAKARTA - The oil is a lubricant that plays an important role in supporting the performance of the motor, one of which is engine oil. This fluid is used to prevent friction in a number of components in the engine. There are various engine oil brands that can be selected by vehicle owners. However, you need to know how to choose the right type of oil for the motor.

The use of engine oil has a vital function so that the performance of the motor becomes maximized and does not damage. If the engine oil is in poor condition, the engine lubricant will be less than optimal. As a result, several components such as the piston ring, block, and cylinder become quickly eroded or eroded, resulting in problems with the motor engine.

Although various oil brands look the same, you have to adjust the use of oil to the type of vehicle engine. That's why you have to know how to choose the right type of oil so that the motor's performance can be optimal.

The number of oil brands or products offered on the market often makes motorcycle owners confused about which one to choose. There are several things that you need to pay attention to when buying oil, namely the quality code (API), the level of congestion (SAE), to the type.

Here's how to choose the right type of oil for a bike you need to know:

The first step that must be done before choosing oil is to understand the characteristics of your motorcycle engine. You should know the type of engine oil that is suitable for your vehicle, because each motorbike has special or different needs.

In this case, you can find out via manual book or vehicle guidebook. Usually in the guidebook there is information regarding machine specifications and recommendations for the right type of oil.

Society of Automotive Engineering (SAE) is used to find out the level of oil viscosity. In each package of oil products, it is usually written the SAE code which shows its level of viscosity.

If the SAE code on the oil is 15W-50, it means that the oil has a thickness level of 50. The choice of the oil viscosity level should be adjusted to the environmental conditions where you live and how to use your motorcycle.

Vehicle oil can be grouped into two types, namely synthetic oil and mineral oil. Synthetic oil is made with a certain variety of chemicals and additives, while mineral oil is produced through oil extraction. When you have to choose between the two, there are several factors to consider.

Both types of oils have their own advantages and disadvantages. One easy way to choose them is to consider the age of your motorcycle. If your motorbike is relatively new, then synthetic oil can be the right choice. However, mineral oils that come from natural sources, namely petroleum, can also be used. Natural characteristics of mineral oil do not contain a mixture of chemicals such as synthetic oil.

The American Petroleum Institute (API) is an indicator to assess the ability of oil to withstand friction between engine components. The use of motorbikes with high mobility certainly affects the performance of your motorbike.

Vehicle owners are advised to use oil with a higher API code. For example, if the motorcycle's built-in oil has a SE code, you should switch to a SF code or even a higher one.

JASO stands for the Japanese Automotive Standards Organization, which is used to identify oil standard that matches the type of motor that has a coupling. There are two types of JASO standards, namely JASO MA and JASO MB.

JASO MA is used for vehicles with wet couplings, such as the use of sports motorcycles. JASO MB is suitable for motorcycles with dry couplings that are often used on automatic motorcycles.

That's a review of how to choose the right type of oil for a motorcycle. The selection of oils that are in accordance with the characteristics of the motorbike is very important so that vehicle performance can be maximized and minimize damage.

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