JAKARTA - Currently, a number of automotive manufacturers are working hard to produce electric vehicles that do not produce emissions. Not only focusing on innovation in electric vehicles themselves, many companies are also taking steps and launching programs to support environmental sustainability.
One of the latest steps comes from Gogoro, a pioneer in the electric motorcycle industry, originating from Taiwan. They recently announced a partnership with Japanese lifestyle brand Muji.
The two companies join hands to create special editions of smart scooters, as well as a series of related merchandise. They worked with well-known designer Muji, Naoto Fukaawa, to launch the "Recycling for Good" campaign aimed at recycling plastic waste.
Wednesday, August 2, the rideapart page reported that this sustainability initiative aims to reduce the volume of polypropylene plastic waste and reuse it as material for the latest electric scooter plastic body they designed.
The results of this collaboration have given birth to two environmentally friendly scooter models, namely Viva ME and Viva Mix ME. These two scooters are designed to meet urban mobility needs. Naoto Fukaawa was directly involved in designing both of them, by including elements of Muji's distinctive designs such as colors, bodywork, and user-friendly shapes.
Cooperation between Gogoro and Muji is a very reasonable synergy. Both are popular brands and when they work together, the results are more than just additions. It's about creating greater value than expected," said Fukasawa.
The counter of this collaboration, Viva Smart Scooters, will use a body panel made of environmentally friendly materials. This is what makes Muji interested in joining this project.
However, this "Recycling for Good" sustainability initiative is not only about reusing plastic on scooters. More than that, it also invites people to change their lifestyle to be more aware of the problem of plastic waste.
Gogoro has indeed shown commitment to sustainable programs aimed at maintaining environmental cleanliness. In 2019, the company first introduced the use of a body panel made of recycled polypropylene plastic on their scooter, named Gogoro 3 Smart Scooter.
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