
JAKARTA - PT Suzuki Indomobil Sales (SIS) recorded an abundance of orders at the Gaikindo Jakarta Auto Week (GJAW) event which ended last December 1. Orders exceeded the sales target of up to 203 percent or 1,562 units.

Based on data received by VOI, Saturday, December 7, several flagship models played a major role in the exhibition which lasted for 10 days. The largest contribution is to the New XL7 model which recorded total sales of up to 37 percent.

Not only that, New Carry also achieved significant results of up to 20 percent. Both of them are the best-selling Suzuki products because their respective advantages are able to meet customer needs and expectations.

Meanwhile, Suzuki Baleno's hatchback, which offers modern design and a comfortable driving sense to represent the user's style, managed to contribute a 19 percent share of total sales.

The exhibition also became a good event for Suzuki, where the Japanese brand launched Jimny 5-door White Rhino which attracted the attention of many visitors during the exhibition.

"Jimny reflects the growing market confidence in Suzuki products. On the positive side, the image of other models has also been boosted and recognized by more automotive lovers. We are also very proud to be able to increase the contribution of national car sales targets through results during GJAW," said Dept. Head of 4W Sales of PT Suzuki Indomobil Sales (PT SIS) Randy Murdoko, in his official statement.

Launched on GJAW 2024's inaugural day, Jimny 5-door White Rhino presents a new choice to collect fans. This variety with Pearl Arctic White colors presents more exclusive completeness.

Five official accessories were provided by Suzuki, namely the bumper under front and side under garnish. Plus other parts such as door visor and door handle quantish chrome give a different impression on the appearance of the car.

While on the stern side there is a spare tie cover with the typical Rhino logo as well as iconic.

Randy explained that Suzuki also did not only focus on selling the event, including strengthening full-sale services in order to provide an optimal ownership experience for each consumer.

"With the improvement of the service program, we are committed to maintaining long-term relationships with loyal customers," he continued.

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