
JAKARTA - Ineos, the vehicle company founded by British billionaire Sir Jim Radcliffe, will make an electric version of its new off-road Grenadier vehicle in Austria.

In a press release, Ineos said it was working with Magna, a Canadian auto parts manufacturer, to build development and produce electric-powered cars that drive all wheels (AWD).

The electric version 4x4 will be produced from 2026 at the Magna factory in Graz, Austria which also makes other electric SUVs including Jaguar I-Face and Fisker Ocean.

It said the electric 4x4 SUV to be produced has world-class off-road capabilities by providing comfort and stable performance while on the road and has a battery range of up to 400 km.

However, Ineos has not provided more details about the model, but it is likely that this new model will use a new platform instead of continuing the initial Grenadier version.

As reported by the Guardian, Monday, April 17, Ineos and Magna built the first Grenadier in 2018 but cost 506 million euros until 2021, before sales began.

CEO of Ineos Automotive, Lynn Calder, said that his party together with Magna continue to deepen collaboration in the development of this latest model.

"In our collaboration with Magna is a natural step further as we use Grenadier as a stepping stone for our continued growth as a global automotive brand with this second line of models," Lynn concluded.

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