
YOGYAKARTA Car coupling campaign (clutch disc) is a very useful component of the transfer of power in the car engine. Over time, this component can experience wear-out. If the characteristics of the car coupling campaign are already visible, vehicle owners must immediately replace these components.

Kampas kontas yang sudah aus atau habis namun tidak diganti, dapat menyebabkan kerusakan yang lebih parah. Akibatnya, peforma mobil akan menurun hari setiap harinya.

Summarized from various sources, Miinggu, March 5, 2023, the following characteristics of the car coupling campaign run out and need to be replaced.

Characteristics of the car coupling campaign run out or aus can be detected with the sense of smell. The impact of the car coupling that runs out of fire will give rise to a scorched smell.

This scorched smell was not initially smelled in the cabin. However, if the coupling campaign is running low, the smell of the chip will spread into the car.

Clunch discs often experience thickness to the point of fire due to certain problems. One of the causes is long-term use and wrong use.

When the coupling campaign starts to run, the coupling pedal will look higher. As a result, the distance between stepping on the coupling pedal becomes shorter.

In some cars, the coupling pedal can indeed be regulated at an altitude. However, if the pedal's position rises suddenly, it could be that the car's coupling campaign has run out or even run out.

Another characteristic of the car coupling campaign is that the acceleration of the car decreases. When the coupling campaign starts to get worse, the power generated from the engine spin will not be well distributed on transmission.

When the driver steps on the car's gas pedal, the engine speed does not increase. The depleted coupling campaign will make the engine cool or even close. This weak acceleration must be considered by the car owner because it will affect the condition of the car in the future.

If the coupling campaign has completely run out, the car can get into traffic jams. This condition could endanger the safety of passengers. Therefore, if you feel the acceleration of the car is decreasing, immediately replace the old coupling campaign with the new one.

Persneling's heavy movement is one of the characteristics of the car coupling campaign running out.

The coupling campas that is experiencing wear-out will make the engine continue to rotate non-stop. Continuous rotation makes transmission difficult to connect. As a result, the lever of the dental transfer will become hard and stiff.

So that this condition can return to normal, you need to replace the old coupling campaign with a new one.

The last feature of the car coupling campaign is the engine temperature getting hot fast.

Originally, the car engine heats up quickly when used is normal. Given, there is a lot of energy that is processed by the engine when the car moves.

However, you should be suspicious when the engine becomes hot quickly, the car is being used normally. The fast-hot engine is a sign that the coupling campaign is running low.

When the coupling campaign runs low or even runs out, the engine rotation will increase because the surface is slippery.

This round of machines that are outside of normal conditions can make the engine temperature of the vehicle increase drastically.

That's the information about the characteristics of the car coupling campaign running out. Hopefully this information can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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