
YOGYAKARTA Several electronic ticketing cars will monitor motorists crossing several protocol roads in the DKI Jakarta area. The car will help police officers crack down on traffic violations with a mobile electronic ticketing system (e-TLE Mobile).

This car, which is equipped with electronic traffic law enforcement (ETLE), is said to be capable of traveling at a speed of 5-40 km/hour. In addition, the electronic ticketing car is also equipped with Artificial Intelligent (AI) which helps detect the presence of drivers who commit traffic violations such as motorcycle cyclists who do not wear helmets, or drivers who do not wear seat belts, use of cellphones while driving, to odd-even related rules.

Detection is carried out through static ETLE cameras placed at several points. With the help of these cameras, ETLE is said to be able to detect 10 kinds of violations committed by motorists on the highway.

Dirlantas Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Latif Usman, quoted on Thursday, December 8, explained that the National Police is currently developing face recognition technology to complement e-TLE. This technology is used to detect drivers who do not have a driver's license.

Regarding how it works, quoted from the Korlantas Polri page, cars that are equipped with ETLE will operate in the Capital City area to record motorists.

"Yes, all roads, later the entire Jalan Jakarta, Muter, yes, the protocol route in Jakarta is just like that. There are 11 (mobile ETLE units) and 1 South Tangerang," explained Kombes Latif Usman.

On the Korlantas Polri website, it is stated that there are 10 types of traffic violations that can be dealt with through national electronic ticketing, in accordance with Law no. 22 of 2009, concerning Road Traffic and Transportation (LLAJ). Some of the violations are as follows.

Later, the violation data obtained through ETLE Mobile will be subject to a progressive ticket. It is hoped that ETLE Mobile will be able to create a deterrent effect for public road users. In addition, it is also hoped that it will be able to reduce the fatality rate and accidents can be avoided, while at the same time improving the safety of vehicle users on the road.

For people who want to check whether the vehicle used is subject to a violation of the ETLE ticket, here's how to check it.

That's information related to electronic ticketing cars. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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