
JAKARTA Memories of today, 17 years ago, April 6, 2006, the ban on smoking in public facilities has come into effect in Jakarta. Anyone caught smoking will be subject to strict sanctions. The owner of the power does not want public areas to go to schools to places of worship - in Jakarta to be a place of smoke pollution.

Previously, the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Sutiyoso, had issued regulations regarding non-smoking areas. However, the regulation was introduced first. The goal is that people are educated about the prohibition of smoking in public places.

The DKI Jakarta government is keen to reduce air pollution in Jakarta. The power of attorney then invited many parties to collaborate. From the Regional Environmental Management Agency (BPLHD) to the Public Works Office.

Motor vehicle owners are also targeted. Those who own the vehicle must carry out an emission test. This option is carried out to reduce the high level of air pollution in Jakarta. It is also a form of anticipation so that the environment in Jakarta remains in the corridor of habitability.

However, it is not only a matter of the feasibility test that the government is discussing. The Governor of DKI Jakarta, Sutiyoso also noted that cigarettes can cause air pollution. Moreover, the addictive substances released by cigarettes are very dangerous for health.

Sutiyoso did not remain silent. He issued Governor Regulation (Pergub) Number 25 of 2005 concerning areas prohibited from smoking. Sutiyoso also grouped prohibited smoking areas including schools, places of worship, terminals to offices. The presence of the governor's regulation considers that cigarette smoke is dangerous for the health of Jakarta residents.

First, that cigarettes are one of the addictive substances that if used can cause health hazards for individuals and the public, both active smokers and passive smokers. Therefore, it is necessary to protect against the dangers of smoking for overall, integrated, and sustainable health.

Second, that for healthy and clean air rights for everyone, it takes public awareness, willingness, and ability to prevent the impact of the direct and indirect use of cigarettes on health. In order to realize an optimal public health degree," Sutiyoso considered in Governor Regulation Number 25 of 2005.

The socialization stage for the Gubernatorial Prohibition of smoking in public spaces has been completed. The regulation began to run effectively on April 6, 2006. Anyone who violates will be given sanctions. Moreover, the government has prepared 27 units of the task force to oversee the no-smoking area in DKI Jakarta.

However, far from the fire. The application of the rules is not all of the Gubernatorial Regulation. The prohibition seemed less effective at the beginning of the implementation. There are also many signs that the smoking ban has not been installed. This condition makes violations visible everywhere. Alias, cigarette smoke is still bulging in all areas forbidden from smoking.

Similar views also occurred at Blok M Terminal, South Jakarta, and Kampung Melayu. A number of public transportations operating still do not put up a smoking ban. Whereas in the governor's regulation, it is explained that the leader or person in charge of transportation managers is required to put up a smoking ban.

The regulation also requires drivers or conductors to reprimand their passengers who are still smoking on the bus. If they are stubborn, the driver is also allowed to lower the passengers at the nearest stop, "explained Andri Setiawan in his writing in the Tempo Koran entitledrangan Smoking Still Ignored (2006).

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