
JAKARTA History 30 years ago, economist Kwik Kian Gie introduced the term Habibiemics on March 4, 1993. The term was stated in his writings in the nasional mass media. Kwik said Habibiemics was the concept of Habibie's thinking.

The concept focuses on mastering technology as a driving force for Indonesia's economic development. Previously, Habibie was known as a figure of progress. He was able to bring a new century for the aerospace and technology world in Indonesia.

There is nothing Bacharuddin Jusuf (BJ) Habibie cannot achieve as an aerospace expert in Germany. Money, popularity, and guarantees of a comfortable life have been obtained. However, Habibie is not satisfied. He has a dream that has not been achieved. He wants to devote himself to Indonesia.

Ulam's beloved peak arrived. He was summoned by President Suharto to return home to build the Indonesian aerospace industry. Habibie was given a series of classy positions since 1974. Suharto initially asked Habibie to temporarily occupy Pertamina's new division, Advanced Technology and Aeronautical Tectology Division (ATTP).

Furthermore, Habibie was then given the power to lead the Nusantara Aircraft Industry (IPTN) which later became known as PT. Dirgantara Indonesia. The result was brilliant. Habibie's ability to lead IPTN made the name of the Indonesian aerospace industry shine in the eyes of the world.

This achievement made Suharto happy not to play. He then challenged Habibie to serve as Minister of Research and Technology (Menristek). Suharto's consideration is simple. Build aerospace can, build a technology industry especially. Habibie was not afraid. Because, he sees that mastery of technology can contribute greatly to Indonesia's economic development.

For BJ Habibie, what he has donated to the nation and state has been proven as written by a foreign journalist that Habibie brought a technological century to Indonesia. In the past, Indonesia had a minister for the aviation industry, had a director general of the aviation industry, had a National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (Lapan).

"However, none of them has proven to make the airline industry commercial and produce it seriously. BJ Habibie at that time started only as a high technology advisor to Pertamina's oil company, has proven to Indonesian sons and daughters that Indonesia can enter a century of advanced technology," said A. Makmur Makka in the book Mr. Crack from Parepare (2008).

Habibie's success in developing the world of aerospace and Indonesian technology is recognized by many parties. The concept of economic development is discussed everywhere. Kwik Kian Gie (later became Coordinating Minister for Economy, Finance, and Industry 1999-2000) also commented on Habibie's economic concept.

Kwik Kian Gie opinion also appeared with the title "Economic Concept Prof. Habibie". The article was written in Kompas Daily News on March 4, 1993. For him, Habibie's concept makes quite sense to make technological advances a driving force for national development.

Kwik Kian Gie calls the concept Habibiemics. In fact, the term introduced by Kwik is becoming well-known everywhere. In fact, to this day. Habibienonomics is called Kwik can be a tool that is able to catch up with Indonesia from developed countries.

The Concept of Habienonomics was first introduced by economist Kwik Kian Gie in 1993 on an article or opinion published in one of the national newspapers that was the thought of BJ Habibie, said an economic observer from Sam Ratulangi University as quoted by the Antara page, December 12, 2019.

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