
JAKARTA - Azyumardi Azra is a true Muslim scholar. His actions spawned no two Islamic reform ideas. The figure is also known to a wide audience outside Indonesia. From the Middle East, the United States, to Europe.

His greatness reached the ears of the Queen of the United Kingdom, Elizabeth II. The British ruler gave him an award title to the Islamic international. Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE), his name. That is, he has the right to place Sir's title in front of his name.

The man who is familiarly called Azra is a figure who deserves to be called a Muslim scholar. His achievements are piled up. His thoughts, moreover. His leadership at the State Islamic Institute of Religion (IAIN) Syarif Hidayatullah, for example. He who served as rector (1998-2006) was able to turn the campus so popular.

His rapid progress. IAIN Syarif Hyatullah not only changed his name to the State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidatullah, but also brought him to become an Islamic educational institution that many people like. Because, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah is made more open and qualified.

The story of Azyumardi Azra and UIN Syarif Hidayatullah is only a small part of his turmoil. As far as Azra is known, he is famous as an expert in Islamic history and civilization. His understanding has channeled many ideas of reform to the Islamic world.

Every day, he often encourages Wasathiyah Islamic thought. A thought that invites Muslims to gain a balanced understanding. Not extreme, nor radical. Not left, nor right. Alias is an understanding of Islam that is in the midst. The practice of life, as revealed by Azra, will lead to the progress of Islamic civilization.

It is certain that the future of Islam and Muslims is not on a harsh Islam; rigid Islam, or Islam. Islam like this is often displayed by extreme, radical, and full of terror groups throughout the history of Islam including in contemporary times today. Islam like this will not be able to bring Muslims into the advancement of a contributing civilization for all mankind and the universe.

Islam wasathiyah is a moderate, inclusive, and tolerant middle ground. In the nomenclature of international Islamic studies, Islam wasathiyah, is usually referred to as justly Islamic balance. The term wasathiyah is the term Qur'ani which relies on the emulation of wasathan, namely the people who are in the middle; who are not extreme to the left or the right or go up or down. According to a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, the wasathiyah position is the best (hayr age awshatuha)," said Azyummardi Azra in his introductory to the book Relevance of Islam Wasthiyah (2020).

Azyumardi Azra's thoughts regarding the Islamic world are widely known. He is often invited to various countries around the world to give public lectures related to Islam, tolerance, and correlation with democracy. Many people support his ideas of renewal.

The open Islamic architecture received a warm welcome at each of his meetings. In fact, many of the world's celebrities are attracted to Azra's knowledge of the Islamic world. The Queen of the United Kingdom, Elizabeth II, is one of them.

As an appreciation, the Queen of England did not forget to give Azra an honorary title on September 28, 2010. For him, Azra is an intellectual figure who has a big influence in the Islamic world. The title of Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) was given via the British Ambassador in Indonesia, Martin Hatfull.

The CBE title itself is an honorary award given by Queen Elizabeth II to everyone from behind all over the world. The main criteria for recipients are none other than the person who is able to make a significant contribution to his community, his country, to the world.

Azyumardi Azra was included in that category. This means that Azra became the first Indonesian to get Sir's title in front of his name. Queen Elizabeth also revealed that Azra was a worthy person for the award. Azra has fulfilled all the conditions. Mainly, having a superior and innovative contribution to the Islamic world.

"This award is something that is unusual and rare, and the first time since I have served here. Everything he has done, is a very important performance, not only for Indonesian and British relations, but more broadly.

The award was given for its contribution in providing interfaith understanding in Indonesia and the UK, as well as internationally," said Martin Hatfull at the British Embassy, in Kuningan, South Jakarta, as quoted by the Antara News Agency website, September 28, 2010.

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