
JAKARTA - Indonesia's independence is a collective effort of the freedom fighters. The young and the old are working together to make it happen. The same applies to the formulation of the text of the proclamation.

Admiral Maeda's house is the location for his rendezvous. A brief text of the proclamation of independence was also worked on. Hatta arrange by dictating. While Bung Karno wrote the text of the proclamation. Everyone present agreed that only Soekarno-Hatta signed. What is the reason?

Indonesia's struggle for independence is not a short thing. Time, energy, money, thoughts, and lives are dedicated to one goal: freedom. Perhaps Japan had promised Indonesia independence. That promise was as bright as hope.

However, the freedom fighters chose to liberate their own people. All young and old groups chose to formulate the proclamation of Indonesia's independence at the house of a high-ranking Japanese navy, Admiral Maeda on August 16, 1945. He was considered a pro-independence figure. Maeda also opened its doors to freedom fighters.

Proclamation of Indonesian independence on August 17, 1945. (Wikimedia Commons)

The formulation of the text of the proclamation became the main agenda of the meeting. Small committees are also allowed to arrange them. Among others: Soekarno, Hatta, Soebardjo, and Sayuti Melik. Soekarno immediately asked Hatta to formulate a more concise text of the proclamation.

Bung Besar was of the opinion that of all those present, Hatta was considered to have good grammar. Hatta agreed. However, he made a condition. It will dictate the formula. While Bung Karno wrote it down. No much debate. Hatta's narrative was approved immediately.

“Soekarno started the trial and read out the formula for the declaration of independence that was made, slowly and repeatedly. After that he asked those present, can you agree on this? A thunderous voice said in agreement."

“Repeated by Soekarno: is it true that you all agree? Agree with everyone present. I thought no one would disagree,” recalls Bung Hatta in his book Mohammad Hatta: Memoir (1979).

Soekarno revealed that the text of the proclamation of Indonesian independence was a historical document. The document is used as a reminder for posterity of the nation's struggle for independence. Soekarno also asked everyone present to sign the text of the proclamation of independence.

The signing was considered similar to the text of the United States proclamation. However, other freedom fighters agreed to look different. They wanted only two names that represented all the Indonesian people in the text of the proclamation: Soekarno-Hatta.

“The speech was greeted by all present with boisterous applause and beaming faces. I feel disappointed, because I expected them and signed a historic document, which contains their names for the pride of their children and grandchildren in the future, "added Bung Hatta.

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