
JAKARTA - The trend of beauty continues to grow rapidly, one of which is the flip procedural which uses Botox injections. This technique has gone viral on social media because it is considered a cheaper and more natural alternative compared to lip filler.

However, behind her popularity, beauty doctors are starting to warn of risks and side effects that are rarely known to many people. New York dermatologist, Dr. Shereene Idriss, recently uploaded a video on TikTok warning about this beauty procedure.

Lip flip is a cosmetic procedure that uses Botox to relax muscles around the upper lip. In this way, the upper lip looks more full without adding a volume like a filler.

This technique is often an option for those who want to correct 'gummy' smiles (too many gums) or get a smoother lip display. However, Idriss admitted that he was not aware of the side effects of lip flips until he tried it.

"This is something a dermatologist should explain to you before lip flip," he said in the video, quoted from the New York Post page.

In fact, he almost broke his own son's birthday celebration. Because, you can't blow the wax on the birthday cake.

"The problem is, Botox takes 10 to 14 days to start working, and at its peak in the second to fourth weeks, it is very difficult to move the upper lip," he explained.

As a result, drinking with a straw or blowing a candle is almost impossible. Idriss added lip Botox can work for the right people, but many people share their bad experiences after undergoing this procedure.

Apart from Idriss, in 2023, Chloe Ellies experienced the same thing. Just three days after receiving a botox for lip flip, he couldn't smile normally.

"On the third day, my girlfriend said I looked like a girl in the film 'Smile'," he told The Post at the time.

"I immediately ran to the mirror, tried to smile, then cried suddenly," he continued.

He panicked and began to find out how long the Botox effect would last. The result was disappointing, because the effect could last for several weeks to several months. Out of shame, he even tried to cover his smile every time he laughed.

"This really changed my face, my cheeks became flat and stiff, my eyes suddenly wrinkled in an area that had never previously wrinkled, because my cheeks pressed upwards as I smiled." he said.

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