
YOGYAKARTA Talking about daily themes, two couples often do it. Starting from what to eat, tomorrow there will be an agenda, or discussing finances, to problems that must be resolved immediately. Even though it's boring, daily conversations still have to be done. The reason is, research found that the following conversation improves the relationship between pairs.

Maybe you most often receive the question 'What were you doing?' from your partner. It sounds clich and doesn't seem like it's not important. But asking about your partner's days is a way to care about your partner's life. The key, don't stop after your partner talks at length. Understand the context and listen. This conversation can be more deep so that you can open up to each other.

Stella Harris says that you don't talk about intimate things, or just surface chats, means the relationship is not in-depth. Talking about intimate things, makes you and your partner better understand.

Discussing intimacy in relationships contributes significantly to relationship satisfaction, better communication, and emotional well-being. According to research in 2022 reported by YourTango, Wednesday, March 19, the foundation of a strong and lasting bond is to foster deep understanding of one another.

Daily schedules are always changing, so there is never a division of homework that really works. That is, workload varies, but it must be agreed that the two people are in pairs. Because if it is not discussed every day, annoyance just because no one washes dirty dishes may spark a bigger fight. A 2023 study, unequal division of work in marriage can lead to hatred and conflict. So don't get bored of chatting about household chores with your partner.

Relationships are better if finances are not kept secret. You have to be honest about money to build a life together. Starting from the amount of salary, house installments, daily necessities, savings, social funds, to paying monthly bills. Every time you talk about money, you have to use the right tone. Don't be accusing or demeaning.

Focus on facts and if there are financial problems, expose to finding a solution for the two of you. According to Ney Jersey-based accountant Tracy Beveridge, when it opens up about finances, you and your partner can decide what needs to be fixed, what can be fixed, and how to fix it.

Research in 2024 shows that couples who discuss finance openly have higher relationship satisfaction. This indicates that financial intimacy is considered important for a strong partnership.

It is important for your partner to be open to each other about the problems they face. Especially when you and your new partner become parents or have children. By discussing the problems faced, your partner can find out each other's condition of mind and offer assistance. Talking about problems openly also prevents venting inappropriate frustrations. For example, when experiencing work problems, then getting angry at home. This is certainly not a favorable attitude. So it is better for your partner to regularly discuss the problems they face.

Talking about the future, it should be done by you and your partner. It's about future plans, what to look forward to, what kind of hope you both want to achieve, or what personal dreams you want to pursue. Without talking about this, you and your partner won't know what to do together in the future. In fact, you or your partner don't even know what to do personally.

Discussing plans with a partner is very important for relationship satisfaction, according to research in 2018. By chatting about future plans, commitments with partners will grow stronger in pursuing common goals. Couples also have harmonious expectations that ultimately lead to stability of relationships.

For people who are in pairs, it is important to save and chat again about fun memories together. Recalling memories, preventing them from being swallowed up in everyday life.

That's a boring chat that according to research improves couples' relationships and welfare. Do you and your partner talk about the theme of the chat above?

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