The third YOGYAKARTA - Trimester is a crucial phase during pregnancy because pregnant women are entering preparation for birth. In this phase, the risk of pregnancy complications can increase, so it is important for pregnant women to be aware of their body condition. It is better for pregnant women to recognize the sign of the danger of trimester 3 pregnancy.
The third trimester phase starts from week 28 to delivery. In the final phase before this delivery, the fetus experienced rapid development and the mother's body experienced various significant changes. The body of pregnant women is preparing for the birth process.
Therefore, it is important for pregnant women to recognize the danger of trimester 3 pregnancy in anticipation of unwanted things. By understanding these signs, pregnant women can immediately seek medical help and avoid more serious risks.
Here are some signs of the danger of trimester 3 pregnancy that may need to be watched out for by every pregnant woman:
Great bleeding in the third trimester could be a sign of serious problems, such as a previa placenta or a placenta solution. The previa placenta occurs when the placenta covers the cervix.
Meanwhile, the placenta solution occurs when the placenta is detached from the uterine wall before delivery. This condition risks causing great bleeding that endangers the mother and fetus.
Pregnant women should always pay attention to the pattern of fetal movement. If the fetus suddenly moves less than usual or does not move at all for a long time, this could be a sign of a problem. It is better to immediately check with a doctor or midwife to ensure fetal condition.
Contractions that come too often before 37 weeks of pregnancy can be a sign of premature childbirth. If a contraction occurs more than four times an hour and is accompanied by severe pain, immediately seek medical assistance to prevent premature birth.
High blood pressure accompanied by swelling of the hands, face, or legs can be a sign of preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is a serious condition that can cause harmful complications, such as seizures, organ function disorders, and fetal growth disorders.
Continuous headaches, blurred views, appearance of spots in sight, or sensitivity to light can be a sign of preeclamacy. This condition requires immediate medical treatment to prevent more serious complications.
The enormous pain in the upper abdomen can be a sign of severe preeclampsia or a placental solution. If this pain comes suddenly and does not subside, go to the doctor immediately.
Infections during pregnancy can endanger the mother and fetus. If the mother has a high fever (above 38 degrees Celsius), chills, and experiences pain when urination or whitening, this could be a sign of infection that must be treated immediately by medical personnel.
If your liquid comes out before its time, especially before 37 weeks of pregnancy, this could be a sign of an early rupture. This condition can increase the risk of infection and premature childbirth.
Normally the liquid is usually clear. But if the water is green or smells bad, immediately seek medical help.
Severe shortness of breath, chest pain, or irregular heartbeat can be a sign of heart problems or pulmonary embolism (blood clots in the lungs). If pregnant women experience these symptoms, immediately seek medical help because it can be fatal.
Itching, especially on the palms and feet, can be a sign of pregnancy collestasis, namely liver function disorders that affect bile flow. This condition can increase the risk of premature birth babies or experiencing health problems after birth.
Those are the reviews of some signs of the danger of trimester 3 pregnancy that are very important for pregnant women to understand. If you experience any of the symptoms above, immediately consult with medical personnel to get the right treatment. Also read safe tips for pregnant women who want to fast.
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