JAKARTA - Tariq Halilintar could not hide his happiness over the pregnancy of his wife, Aaliyah Massaid, who is now 4 months old.
This happiness increased because Aaliyah's pregnancy was close to the moment of getting older. For Tariq, this is the best gift for him.
"Alhamdulillah, this is the best gift," said Tariq Halilintar, quoted by VOI from YouTube Intense Investigation, Thursday, January 30.
"I'm really happy, of course, thank God I was given a lot of blessings from God last year, and a blessing, last year I was given a wife, thank God she was given good news this year," he continued.
This happiness is also felt by his extended family, especially his mother, Geni Faruk, who can't wait to welcome his third grandson.
"I'm really happy, because I'm used to being at home with new children first, so it's like many younger siblings, of course, they feel welcome, not nephews, but brothers again, so they are very excited," he continued.
Tariq explained that in the midst of this pregnancy, Aaliyah began to reduce her work a lot and prefer to stay at home.
"Wow, yes, he really reduces his work, gets out, more at home," said Tariq.
As a husband, Tariq is also more protective in taking care of his wife in the middle of his pregnancy.
"Lumayan (protective), thank God, I really want him to take care of it so that it's okay, my wife," he said.
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