JAKARTA - Young Thai singer Chayada Prao-hom or Ping Chayada died after conducting three massage sessions, one of which was massage in the neck area. He massages at Udon Thani massage outlet, Thailand.
Chayada died of blood infection and brain swelling, Bangkok Post reported, on Wednesday, December 11, 2024. Before he died, Chayada after the October 5, 2024, complained of back pain and carried out the first massage at Udon Tani Thailand.
Two days after the first massage, Chayada felt pain in the back of the head and took pain relievers. A week later his arm fell out of feeling.
After conducting a massage for the second time, Chayada felt pain and stiffness all over her body so she couldn't turn around in bed. He was massaged by the same massage therapist and gave him a neck twist method.
On the third visit, Chayada was again treated by a massage which was said to have caused a swollen and bruised condition for a week. Since then, Chayada's condition has continued to decline and can only lie in bed until she dies.
Although the cause of Chayada's death could not be fully ascertained due to massage, the warning against the dangers of several massage methods is now being echoed by experts. Especially for neck twist massage methods or neck twists.
Neck twist or twist the neck can indeed be fatal to the body. It is stated that an experienced massager should not do this.
An experienced massager will not turn the client's neck because it is known as a dangerous point. I have warned people before, never let massagers turn your neck because it can be fatal," said Dr Chatpon Kongfeangfung as quoted by SCMP, on Friday, December 13, 2024.
Professor Dr. Thiravat Hemachudha, Advisor to the Oriental School of Medicine at Rangsit University also said that massaging by turning your neck is highly not recommended by medical. Turning your neck or massaging the neck spine can cause various problems in the body.
If done wrongly, it will increase the risk of damage to the walls of blood vessels that supply the brain. This can cause problems on the back, tore and cause death of brain tissue, hemiplegia, paralysis, and fatal.
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