
YOGYAKARTA When a couple is planning a pregnancy, a healthy number of sperm increases the chances of egg fertilization. The number of sperm is low, meaning it has less than 15 million sperm per milliliter of manifold water. Health conditions, stress, eating patterns, and environmental influences can cause the number of sperm to be low. To increase the number of sperm, you need to undergo the following healthy habits.

Managing stress with physical activity, meditation, breathing exercise, yoga, and fun can help reduce sperm number. Research shows that men who are in stressful situations are related to work, social situations, war, natural disasters, and couple insurance have lower manifold water quality. It seems that stress reduces the secretion of the luteinization hormone and testosterone, which affects the number of sperm.

Sleep is also important enough to manage stress and have a healthy number of sperm. According to research reported by Health, Monday, December 9, the duration of sleep is limited or most sleep, late sleep, and irregular sleep schedules are associated with low sperm.

Research published in the journal Human Reproduction, Oxford Academy, shows that men who exercise regularly tend to have a higher sperm number than those who don't move much. Small studies over 16 weeks found participants who did aerobic exercises for 50 minutes three times a week experienced the number and motility of their sperm. Other studies, jogging or lifting loads three times a week for about an hour, helped increase sperm number.

If you regularly smoke, quit smoking or other tobacco products can also help increase your total sperm count. In a 2019 study, people who smoke for 10 years or experience a significant decrease in sperm number and manifold volume compared to non-smoking. Those who quit smoking experienced an increase in sperm number within three months. Likewise, the effect of drinking alcoholic beverages is unlimited.

Researchers estimate that 30-80 percent of male infertility is due to oxidative stress and decrease in manifold water. Antioxidants are found in plant-based foods to help prevent or delay cell damage. Fruits and vegetables that help increase the number of sperm, including guava, oranges, kiwis, mangoes, strawberries, and broccoli. Foods that contain vitamin E such as grilled sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach also help increase sperm. Coupled with foods with beta carotene content such as sweet potatoes, labs, and carrots. Can also add foods containing beta cryptocantins, such as labus and keprok oranges. Melon, corn, eggs, and salmon containing lutein are also useful for maintaining sperm.

Healthy sperm cells consist of fatty acids that the body can only get from food. If you lack double unsaturated fatty acids, such as omega-3 and omega-6, sperm also don't get them. That means, the diet also affects the number of sperm. Including damaging the quality of sperm if the fat is too high in the daily food menu. To help increase sperm number and quality, try eating more nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, and fatty fish rich in omega-3.

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