
JAKARTA The SuperAdventure Superpreneur 2023 event has won 25 finalists who are the best young entrepreneurs from various regions in Indonesia. They are winners of the regional finals held in the five regional sections, namely West Java, outside Java, Central Java, East Java, and Jabodetabek.

Only one step away will the finalists be named Superpreneurs and win a total prize of IDR 750 million. The Grand Final round will be held on Sunday, October 22 at Post Bloc, Central Jakarta.

The day before, the finalists first went through the judging process, and then on October 22, all finalists would perform a showcase that was open to the public and enlivened by the performance of a series of hits, games, bazaars, and fashion shows.

Various business categories will be shown by finalists in order to get the best assessment by the judges ranging from clothing & appearancels, cafe & restaurant, creative business, food & beverage, services, agriculture, automotive, to manufacturing.

The election of the 25 finalists is the result of the curation of the judges who are experts and young successful businessmen, namely Sammy Bramantyo Co-founder of Lawless Jakarta, Jeffry Jouw Co-Founder of USS Networks & Kick Avenue, Nadia Amalia Co-founder & CEO of Sribuu, Vidi Nurhadi Founder of Maternal to Sayed Muhammad Co-Founder & CEO of USS Networks who is the head of superAdventure Superpreneur judges this year. In addition, there is also a judge of the successful owner brand in his area such as Zaky Gufron CEO Hijack Sandals from Bandung West Java, Rizky Setyo CEO Kattoen from Malang, East Java, Hendi Avanta CEO Panda Seaweed from Central Java and Isser James Co-Founder Badass Monkey from Jakarta.

Sammy Bramantyo, one of the five judges in the grand final round, said that the previous judging in the West Java region and outside Java was exciting and full of surprises. Entrepreneur who is also a bass player in the band Seringai assessed that the products of SuperAdventure Superpreneur 2023 finalists are varied with a unique business concept. This is a challenge for him in the process of curation and judging.

There are brands that I think are crazy, this doesn't even need to join the Superpreneurs. But they still think that participating in this Superpreneur can be something for them and is a new achievement for them. Apart from concepts, many businesses can also answer the problems that have occurred in society lately. For example, campaign sustainability, there is also about recycling, some empowerment of local workers, and others, said Sammy.

Meanwhile, SuperAdventure Representative Aloysius Dwiwoko Hertiyono appreciated the 25 finalists who managed to advance to the grand final round with various businesses they participated in and set aside more than 4,000 young entrepreneurs who registered at this year's event. He said that the most important thing for finalists to have is the spirit of adventure and raise local pride.

"The participants and finalists of SuperAdventure Superpreneur 2023 have an interesting and innovative business concept, some of which even have an anti-mainstream concept. The potential and quality of young entrepreneurs this year is evenly distributed in each region. We hope this will become a breath of fresh air for the Indonesian entrepreneurial world to continue to triumph in their own country so that they can go internationally," said the man who is familiarly called Tiyok.

Creative And Innovative Business Ideas

Various creative and innovative business ideas were shown by the participants. One of them came from the creative business category, namely the Conture Concrete Lab brand which was initiated by Febryan Tricahyo. One of the finalists from the West Java Region has a product design studio and lab materials that can process residual waste into concrete-based component material. No kidding, Febryan's efforts since 2010 have been used by well-known architects in various places such as Gelora Bung Karno Jakarta (outdoor bench), Asean Park Jakarta, to Potato Head Village, Bali.

The various projects use a rejected plastic waste. Based on a concrete material-based product design studio, Conture Concrete Lab consisting of designers and material researchers tries to process residual waste which is developed into new materials, has more function and economic value, designed and produced with good quality," said Febryan.

Febryan and his colleagues are optimistic that they can become champions of SuperAdventure Superpreneur 2023. Not only to win prizes alone, but he believes that this event can be a forum for expanding relations to introducing the business further.

Meanwhile, another interesting business idea comes from the service category, namely Kisai Entertainment which is managed by Tessa Yadawaputri. The brand, which qualified as a finalist from the Jabodetabek region, is a digital comic production house or webtoon which has produced more than 75 titles in approximately six years. Founded in 2017, Tessa is optimistic that the comic industry can sit on par with other creative industries in Indonesia.

We focus on creating the best work whose original stories are written directly by our writers, or adaptations from novels, games, to films. The whole process of making our comics starts from stories, scripts, storyboards, linearts, color, 3D background, to finishing is done with strict quality control in order to produce Webtoons that not only have visually amazing, but also stories that are timeless," said Tessa.

Tessa said that Kisai Entertainment's clients did not only come from Indonesia, but had gone international because they had entered the markets of the Asian, European, and American continents. Even though they have penetrated the world market, the entire crew and human resources at Kisai Entertainment are purely Indonesian young talents.

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