JAKARTA - Lips that turn dark can be caused by various factors, including smoking, sun exposure, allergies, or dehydration.
Here are ten home care that can help improve the color-changing lip look.
Lemon And Honey Terrace Water
Mix lemon juice and honey with the same ratio, then apply the mixture to your dark lips. lemon water can help relieve black spots, while honey moisturizes and calms the skin.
Cucumber Cuts
Put some thin pieces of cucumber on your lips and keep them quiet for about 10 to 15 minutes. Cucumber has natural bleaching properties so that by taking care of the cucumber, it can reduce pigmentation on the lips.
Keep Mawar's Economy
Break the rose petals into paste and apply it to your lips. Let it last about 15 minutes before deleting. The roses contain natural compounds that can help brighten the black spots, reported byTimes of India, Tuesday, October 10.
Scrub Of Zaitum And Sugar Oil
Mix a little olive oil with sugar to create a scrub. The gentle massage of the mixture to your lips with a twist movement, then rinse. This peels off dead skin cells, showing fresher and brighter skin.
Aloe vera Gel
Apply a thin layer of fresh crocodile tongue gel to your lips. Aloe vera has calming and healing properties that can help improve the appearance of the lips that change color.
Jus Bit
Apply a little bit fruit juice to your lips. Leave it for about 10-15 minutes before deleting. Bits contain natural pigments that can help add reddening color to your lips.
Milk and turmeric
Mix a little milk with a bunch of turmeric to form a pasta. Apply to your lips and let stand for about 10 minutes before deleting. Kunyit has a natural enlightening nature.
Coconut oil
Apply a thin layer of coconut oil to your lips. Coconut oil is a natural emolient that can help moisturize and brighten the skin.
Green tea bag
After brewing green tea bags, let them cool and then press slowly to your lips for a few minutes. Green tea contains antioxidants that can help improve skin tone.
Hydration And Arrange Eating Patterns
Drink a lot of water to keep hydrated, which helps maintain the health and uniqueness of the lips. In addition, include vitamin-rich and antioxidant foods in your plates, such as fruits and vegetables, to improve skin health.
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