
JAKARTA - The broadcast of the mystery thriller drama entitled Plan Besar, has become a hot topic of conversation. Showing on the video streaming service Prime Video, Big Plan is included in the trending topic X.

This series is an adaptation of a similar title written by the fictional-criminal writer from Indonesia, namely Tsugaeda. Produced by Falcon Pictures, the Big Plan series was directed by director Danial Rifki. He also wrote the script together with Titien Wattimena.

The story of this series began when the embezzlement of funds amounted to Rp 17 billion at Universal Bank of Indonesia UBI). There are four people suspected of being involved in the case of the embezzlement of funds. When investigating this case more deeply, Makarim police detective actually found a major scandal inside the bank which was more than just a financial loss.

Meanwhile, one of the employees, Rifad Akbar (Adipati Dolken) as part of the Labor Union. He tried to get the rights they should have received, along with the increasing work. However, some of those who struggled never returned.

Big Plans also reveal many satires for the government that may be felt to date. The rise of corruption cases, the inequality of class, the uneventy of salaries in several regions, as well as the need for lower classes for money, causes them to often obey the rules and legalize all means to support their families.

As the audience knows, the tragedy of the demonstration refers to the dark events of the New Order era. In 1998 it had caused injuries; the missing victim, died for no reason, and was traumatized by the bereaved family. One of the things discussed in this series includes protests against the government against human rights violations.

If we get attractive treats from the Big Plan series. Even the standard for Big Plan series, everything is similar to the standard genre of foreign criminal dramas. Maybe for those who often watch Tom Clan, Jack Ryan is certainly no stranger to some scoring that appears at the beginning of the episode. Maybe the first episode is right to build a criminal noir spice like we want.

The first episode itself became a bridge for the introduction of each character. Starting from one character to another is quite a lot. Starting from employees, the president director to commissioners is clearly displayed. Legal problems and others themselves are running properly.

Even though the impression is that episode one is very crowded. There is no room to puzzle who the figure and mastermind of this burglary case are. However, the uniqueness of this series is that we can guess who the mastermind is from the last scene in episode one.

For the size of the drama series, this has exceeded expectations. In terms of acting, there may be no doubt about this. Adipati Dolken, Hanggini, Prisia Nasution, Dwi Sasono, and Chicco Kurniawan have succeeded in attracting attention. A slick score is also an advantage of the Big Plan series.

The Big Plan series can be a new example in voicing justice, namely through the film media. Even though there are many film or drama titles that dare to raise taboo and unsurfaced issues, this series has its own uniqueness.

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