
YOGYAKARTA - Many people can only exercise at night because from morning to evening they are busy working. One of the sports that is often done at night is running or jogging. The benefits of nightclubs actually not only have a good impact on the health of the body, but also improve mental health.

However, not a few people are still hesitant or worried about doing exercise at night for fear of side effects. Actually, if this activity is carried out not in excess and adjusts to the condition of the body, it will not have a bad impact. So what are the benefits of running at night for those of you who want to exercise after work?

As motivation or encouragement for sports, here are some of the benefits of night running that you need to know:

Based on research from the journal Experimental Physiology, at night exercise can help improve sleep quality. People who undergo nightly exercise can sleep faster, increase sleep duration, and reduce the potential for waking up at night.

After a night run, the mind becomes calmer and relaxed so that it is ready to be invited to sleep. In addition, the effect of the night run also triggers a sharp increase in body temperature followed by gradual cooling imitating the rhythm of the sirkadian so that it is easy to fall asleep.

Running at night is also useful for slowing down aging. Based on a study in the journal Preventive Medicine, it is stated that exercise affects the form of chromosomes. Longer people have better telomers (on chromodynamics).

Individuals who undergo regular exercise have an average of 140 base pairs that are longer than those that rarely move. The results of the study prove that exercise can slow the aging of the shape of the telomer.

Many people worry about doing night exercise for fear of having a heart attack. Even though night exercise is also useful for reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. With a record of night running is done within reasonable or not excessive limits. A study shows that exercise for 30 minutes every day has a good effect on heart health.

Another benefit of running at night is that it can improve body performance. A study was conducted in 2013 to analyze study participants can exercise 20% harder and longer at night than morning time. Because night exercise is able to generate more oxygen intake and more anaerobic capacity optimally.

Nightlife is not only good for physical health, but also has a positive impact on mental health. Based on Harvard Health's publication, night exercise has proven to be able to cope with depression. Neuroscientists say that the hippocampus (brain area that regulates mood) becomes smaller in people who are depressed.

Sports activities can support the growth of nerve cells in the hippocampus and increase the relationship of nerve cells. That's why exercise is one of the powerful ways to relieve depression.

Running or night sports can also be a medium to express hidden energy. Morning exercise does play a good role as a stimulus and builds positive energy to start daily activities. While night sports are useful as distribution or overflow of energy after stress activities all day.

Those are some of the benefits of night walks for both physical and mental health. Although it is said to have certain risks, if the night run is done within reasonable limits and not excessive, it will provide many positive benefits.

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