
YOGYAKARTA 'pregnancy is a complex process and is influenced by many things. Some women can get pregnant quickly, while others may take time and effort to get it. Well, for married couples who want to get a baby, you can run a natural pregnancy program to increase the chances of pregnancy.

There are several ways that married couples can do to increase pregnancy opportunities, including:

1. Having sex in the fertile period

Fertility is the days or periods when women are in the most fertile condition. The female fertile period usually occurs about 1216 days before the next menstrual period. This means that on average women experience a fertile period between 10th day and 17th day after the first day of their last menstruation. However, this applies to women who have a regular menstrual cycle of 28 days.

Well, the highest chance of pregnancy is during a fertile period, especially during ovulation day, namely the process when mature eggs are released towards tuba filopi and ready to be fertilized by sperm cells.

That's why couples who want to get a baby are advised to have sex during the wife's fertile period.

2. Increase the frequency of intimate relationships

It is better to have a husband and wife relationship 2 3 times a week. This helps sperm get the best quality.

3. Don't use contraceptives

If you want to get a pregnancy naturally, don't use contraceptives when having a bed relationship. Having sex without a contraception tool can help you seek pregnancy.

4. Consumption of plant-based foods

Quoted from Ai-Care, there is good food for the body and can help increase fertility, including:

5. Avoid stress

If you run a natural pregnancy program, you should avoid excessive stress. Women who experience excessive stress can cause hormonal imbalance. Incommensurate hormones can cause fertility problems.

To prevent excessive stress, you can do fun activities or exercise such as zumba and yoga. This exercise helps the body to become more relaxed so that stress can be resolved.

This is information about natural pregnancy programs so that they can quickly get a baby. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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