
YOGYAKARTA - When it feels like they are sneezing in public, many people want to hold it. Even though it's better to just sneezing off, or not being detained because it can cause some health problems. So what is the reason why we shouldn't hold back from sneezing?

Sneering often occurs when the body is experiencing health problems, such as an allergic nose or flu. Sneezing is a natural way for the body to release or remove foreign objects that interfere with the respiratory tract. When experiencing this condition, many people want to hold back sneezing because they don't want to disturb the comfort of those around them.

But we must not hold back sneezing, so it should be disbursed but still conditioning so as not to disturb the surroundings. Holding back sneezing can have a bad impact on health.

What Causes Sneezing?

Sneezing is a natural mechanism in the body that functions to expel foreign objects by suddenly and hard air from the lungs through the nose and mouth. It's a habit, repeatedly sneezing related to flu attacks.

When a foreign particle enters the nasal cavity, the nervous system inside the nose will send a signal to the brain to indicate a disturbance in the nose. The brain acts as a control center in the process of sneezing.

After receiving the signal, the brain will instruct certain muscles in the body, including chest muscles, stomach muscles, diaphragms, sound band muscles, back muscles of the throat, and amployment muscles, to prepare to remove foreign particles from the nose.

When sneezing closer, the nose often feels itchy and generally begins with a slight sensation of yawning to add air pressure to the nose. Furthermore, these muscles work together to get rid of foreign particles from the nose and produce the sound 'hachiimm'.

Stopping or holding back sneezing can cause some serious adverse effects. Closing the respiratory tract when sneezing can cause up to 20 times greater pressure on the respiratory tract.

Here are some health problems that can be experienced when holding back sneezing:

Gendang Ears Can Break

When preparing to sneezing, the air pressure inside Eustachius' nose, throat, and tube channels adjacent to the ear will increase. If the body does not allow air to come out through sneezing, high air pressure in the head cavity can be trapped and cause hearing loss.

This situation may recover by itself within a few days or weeks. But in severe cases, this condition can result in damage to the eardrum. The nose and ear are connected through the Eustachius channel. Holding back sneezing increases the pressure inside the nose, which can then move to the ear through the Eustachius channel.

If often holding back sneezing, viruses and bacteria can survive or stay in the respiratory tract. This condition has the potential to cause infection, so that it can spread to the ears. The flow of air that is distracted back from the nose to the ear may carry infected particles, such as bacteria or mucus. This will trigger an infection process in the ears.

Broken Blood Vessels In The Eyes, Nost, And Ears

Sneezing resistance also causes increased air pressure in the face area. This condition has the potential to trigger damage to small blood vessels located around the eyes, nose, and near the eardrums. The impact can give rise to signs such as red spots in the eyes, epistaxis (mimises), or even bleeding from the ears.

Chest Pain

Holding back sneezing can also cause an uncomfortable sensation in the chest. THT experts say that when you hold back sneezing, there will be additional pressure on the diaphragm that can cause pressure to spread to the ribs.


Another danger of holding back sneezing is the potential for an anuserism. If this condition occurs then holding back sneezing can be fatal. Experts warn that the pressure produced when holding back sneezing can trigger a rupture of brain aneurism. Aneurism is a condition that can trigger bleeding in the skull that surrounds the brain.

That's the answer why we shouldn't hold back sneezing. Given the various dangers above, it's best if when you feel like you want to sneezing then just let go and don't be detained. But you still need to pay attention to the surrounding environment and condition so that you don't interfere.

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