
YOGYAKARTA - Various cheese products can be found easily in shopping centers and minimarkets. Even though they come from Europe, foodstuffs that taste good are also very attractive to the people of Indonesia. However, few know that there are various types of cheese.

Cheese is food produced from the dairy processing process. The basic ingredients for making cheese can be from cow or buffalo milk, goat milk, and sheep milk. This food has actually been consumed thousands of years ago in the European continent. Several countries known as the main producers of cheese are Italy, France, and the Netherlands.

Not a few people think that there is only one type of cheese. Even though there are more than 1000 types of cheese produced and sold on the market.

If you go to minimarkets or shopping centers, there are various types of cheese that you can find. Each type of cheese can be chosen and consumed according to the needs of each person. In addition, each type of cheese also has differences in terms of texture and taste as a culinary product.

Here are some types of cheese you need to know:

Mozzarella cheese is one of the most popular types of cheese. Coming from Italy, Mozzarella cheese has a soft texture and a not too strong taste. This cheese is made from a mixture of cow or buffalo milk and is generally used as a topping on foods such as pizza, cakes, geprek chicken, and others. This type of cheese is best eaten when it is still warm.

Cheddar cheese is one of the types of cheese that has become a favorite of many Indonesians. Coming from England, precisely from Cheddar Village in Somerset, this cheese has a solid and rather hard texture, yellow. Cheddar cheese is often used as food ingredients such as salad toppings or in cakemaking.

Emmental cheese is also one of the types of cheese known in many countries. This cheese has the characteristics of holes on its surface. The holes are formed due to bacterial reactions that produce carbon dioxide gas during the fermentation process. Emmental cheese is suitable for burgers, sandwiches, and other European dishes.

This type of cheese has a drum-like round shape, with a pale yellow outer layer. Parmesan cheese comes from Italy and can be found in solid or powder. The manufacturing process takes a long time, from 3 to 12 months. Parmesan cheese offers a sweet taste and is generally used as a topping on foods such as mastar, kastengel cake, and salads.

The Gouda cheese is said to be one of the oldest processed dairy products in the world. The Gouda cheese comes from the Netherlands and has been produced since the 13th century. The cheese made from cow's milk has a distinctive sweet taste and a thick and soft hard texture. This cheese fermentation process can last between 4 weeks and one year.

Those are the types of cheese that have been recognized and consumed a lot. Because of the delicious taste, cheese is often used in various food dishes. You can choose cheese that suits your needs and tastes.

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