
YOGYAKARTA Kombucha tea is consumed not only because of its delicious taste but also the health benefits that will be obtained. The benefits of kombucha tea are varied so that it is good for the body when consumed regularly with a portion that matches the condition of the body.

Quoted from AI Care, kombucha drinks are drinks in the form of tea that are processed by fermented with sweet and acid flavors. These drinks come from China and usually use green or black tea by utilizing the SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast) bacteria.

The SOBY bacteria will have a natural sweet effect and produce alcohol. It's just that the alcohol content is very low, usually only below 0.5 percent. Drinks with an alcohol content of 0.5 percent, according to LPPOM UI, quoted from AI Care, the law of kombucha tea drinks is halal with a note that the processing does not involve haram and harmless materials.

Meanwhile, the benefits of kombucha tea for health are as follows.

Consumption of kombucha tea is actually able to nourish digestion. This happens because kombucha contains probiotics that nourish the digestive system. This drink is good for those of you who find it difficult to defecate.

Commbucha tea also contains antioxidants. These substances help the body remove toxins so as to minimize the buildup of disease. In addition, kombucha also helps reduce the risk of infection and inflammation.

Quoted from AI Care, a study shows that kombucha is able to increase good cholesterol levels and suppress bad cholesterol. Good cholesterol itself plays a role in nourishing the heart.

Liver health can be maintained when you eat kombucha tea. This is due to the presence of antioxidants and probiotics. If the liver is healthy, the process of removing toxic substances in the body can be maximized.

Not only has an impact on the health of the body, kombucha tea also maintains mental health because it helps maintain a more stable mood so as to avoid depression. However, further research is needed to prove this trait. In addition, kombucha is also able to support concentration in children.

Although the taste of kombucha tea is sweet, there is no need to worry because the sweet effect that appears in this drink is natural. That way kombucha tea can be consumed by people with type 2 diabetes. However, this tea should not be consumed excessively without the supervision of a doctor.

The antioxidant content in kombucha tea plays a role in fighting cancer cells in the body. However, it is necessary to do research to ensure the efficacy of commbucha tea in the treatment of cancer.

That's information about the benefits of kombucha tea. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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