
JAKARTA - Sexual aftercare is the practice of caring for yourself and your partner after having sex. This can involve any activity, starting from bathing together, cuddling, to massaging. The purpose of sexual aftercare is to create a sense of concern and affection after being involved in sexual intimacy.

A study conducted over three months published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, according to Psychology Today, Tuesday, August 1, found that couples who spend more romantic time after sex will experience increased ties and intimacy.

The same study also found that doing this over a certain period of time can result in better sexual satisfaction and quality of relationship. Even though you are satisfied when having sex, sexual aftercare is able to increase your satisfaction and add happiness with your partner.

If you are not used to sexual aftercare and are not sure about doing it, here are some things to keep in mind.

Paying attention to your mind and body after having sex can be an important signal about what you want from your partner at that time. Understanding your feelings can make it easier to start a conversation about it or suggest activities that you and your partner can do together.

First, try to pay attention to how your body feels. Are there cramps or tensions in the body? Does massage make you feel better? Do you need help to relieve discomfort?

Then, pay attention to your emotional feelings. Note whether you are satisfied, vulnerable, anxious, upset, excited, or even hungry. Starting a conversation with your partner about how you feel, making jokes, or even cooking meals together can be a great way for you to get rid of tensions and add to each other's ties.

In addition to understanding your feelings, it is also important to help your partner find out how she feels after the sex session. A study on postcoital-dysphoria, namely, feelings of sadness, crying, or being easily offended who suddenly after sex, found that about 40 percent of male samples had experienced this feeling of their lives.

In a similar study in women, 46 percent of participants reported that they had also experienced postcoital-dysphoria. These emotions, if not treated, can contribute to sexual satisfaction and lower relationships.

If your partner experiences these feelings or other feelings that may be difficult to express, it's a good idea to tell him that you are there for him. Open conversations can help encourage you to open strands of feelings that are difficult to explain. Adding humor can also make the atmosphere more relaxed and calm.

According to other studies in several couples, the expression of the mind and positive feelings for your partner after sex leads to an increase in relationship satisfaction. So, take this time to praise and convince your partner.

Remember, sexual life with a partner is more than just an act of sex. Paying attention to activities after having sex can improve the quality of your relationship as a whole.

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