
YOGYAKARTA Feels a bloating stomach, mostly due to swallowing air or eating wrong. But some health conditions are also characterized by bloating stomachs, such as celiac which can cause excess gas production.

Fart, in medical terms is referred to as a way to release gas from the digestive system through the anus. This also occurs when gas accumulates in the digestive system. This condition is normal, because it occurs when the digestive tract works to break up food. Gas in the digestive tract, usually consists of oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and sometimes methane. Launching the National Institute of Health, on average people experience flatulence between 13-21 times a day. However, when experiencing gut irritation syndrome, celiac disease, and gastroporesis, it can fart excessively. Excessive winds can also be experienced when eating certain foods.

The cause of the bloating stomach can be categorized into three, including the following:

It's natural to swallow air all day, usually when eating and drinking. If you swallow more air often, your stomach will feel bloating and may cause condensation. Another reason is that your stomach is bloating due to swallowing air, because it chews rubber candy, smokes, uses loose phazard teeth, smokes things like the end of a pen, drinks carbonated drinks, or eats and drinks too quickly.

In addition to swallowing air, the food you eat can also cause a bloating stomach. For example carbohydrates, it turns out that they are known to trigger gas production in the digestive tract. In addition, protein and fat tend to cause less gas, but cause an unpleasant gas odor.

Some foods that increase gas production includeLopps, cabbage, broccoli, Brussels cabbage, whole grains, asparagus, milk, dairy products, onions, daarchokes, wheat, dedak wheat, potatoes, corn, funcane, nuts, and plums. In addition, high foods of fructose or sorbitol, such as fruit juice and sugar-free candy and excess processed foods can also trigger bloating stomachs.

In principle, food that takes a long time in the digestive process causes the smell of an unpleasant gas and a bloating stomach. Also, some foods cannot be fully absorbed by the body. Later this food will move to the large intestine without being digested and cause excess gas production to feel bloating.

For the third category of convex stomach causes, it should not be underestimated because it requires special treatment. Among them are constipation, gastroenteritis, food intolerance, lactose intolerance, IBS, Crohn disease, celiac disease, diabetes, eating disorders, ulserative colitis, dumpping simdrom, GERD, autoimmune pancreatitis, and stomach hatchlings.

Home medicines, such as ginger, may help temporarily to relieve symptoms. But for those of you who often experience stomach bloating, it is important to check with a doctor. In addition, adjusting a diet that does not trigger a bloating stomach is also important to get used to.

In addition, choose the right diet, such as eating a small portion more often than eating a lot but causing problems in the digestive tract. Launching Healthline, Wednesday, July 12, drinking lots of water and exercising regularly also helps improve digestive health and prevents flatulence.

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