
YOGYAKARTA On holidays and spending time with family, eating is often measurable. A big portion of food, without realizing it, will cause the stomach to be uncomfortable. It even makes all day of luggage want to lie down and sleepy. Well, to prevent unwanted things after eating a large portion, you need to do the following activity.

Taking a walk outside can help clear your mind and help your body regulate blood sugar levels, Christian Smith's advice, MS., RD., coordinator of the beryatrix operation in Maritime Affairsmont. Walking after eating also helps the body's metabolism and digestion.

Often, after eating a large portion then panic and feel guilty. Don't be too harsh on yourself, especially if you're just eating big, you can count it with your fingers in the last half of the year. According to Smith's explanation reported bytenmont Healthcare, Wednesday, June 28, feeling guilty after overeating causes excessive eating behavior.

"Many people feel that if they've been overeating, they have to continue that habit all day long and they may overeat with the rest of their food. Instead of stress, take it easy and avoid repeating this behavior," Smith said.

Drink water after eating, this helps throw away some of the sodium you have consumed. But don't drink too much water while you're full. Stay with four to eight ounces after a big meal. Then, try to stay hydrated throughout the day.

Probiotics are microorganisms found in yogurt. In addition, many other foods contain probiotics. These foods can help increase digestion and food absorption.

For the next meal hours, it is important to make plans for the rest of the day. Avoid overeating at the next meal time. Better, eating with a balanced composition of foods includes fatless protein, fruits, and vegetables.

Smith also suggests practicing eating with great attention at your next meal hours. It means, you need to chew your food carefully for 20-30 packs of each bribe. In order not to eat large portions, it is important to focus on the food you eat. Avoid eating chilies sitting in front of television or playing gadgets.

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