
JAKARTA - There are a number of foodstuffs that must be subject to high blood pressure so as not to worsen health conditions, especially on Eid al-Adha or other holidays.

Neural specialist from RSCM, dr. Amanda Tiksnadi, Sp.S(K) called goat meat one of them.

"The goat meat compared to other meats has the potential to increase sudden blood pressure, therefore at events such as Eid al-Adha which serve many careers, we found an acute stroke incident," he said, as reported by ANTARA.

He still allows to consume this type of meat but it should be controlled. For those whose blood pressure is at 200, it should also strictly limit beef intake.

"Some people with high blood pressure, red meat is recommended to be reduced because it contains trees higher. This purin will cause gout to rise high, which poses a high risk factor for stroke, heart disease and kidney problems," said Amanda.

Instead of meat, you should choose fish or chicken because the purinary level is lower. In addition, pay attention to the intake of vegetables such as seeds because the purist content is high.

"From the plants that contain purin, one of them is seeds. Even though it is healthy, there are too many kale, melinjo, nuts increase gout. It is limited, not impossible," said Amanda.

Other food ingredients that need to be limited are salt. Restrictions can be done by not putting additional salt on the table.

On a different occasion, hypertension expert, dr. Arieska Ann Soenarta, SpJP, FIHA, FASCC. suggesting daily intake of salt of no more than 5 grams or less than 1 teaspoon. Then, for patients with severe hypertension, it is usually recommended to perform a low-salt I (200-400mg Na) diet and a low-salt II (600-800mg Na) diet equal to 1 /2 teaspoon) for non-heavy hypertension.

Meanwhile, for people with mild hypertension, a low-salt III diet on (1000-1200mg Na is equal to 1 teaspoon a day).

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