
JAKARTA - In the trial for the divorce decision of Desta and Natasha Rizky at the South Jakarta Religious Court today, Monday, June 19, the panel of judges granted Desta's request for divorce. Thus, the couple who has been blessed with three children has officially divorced.

Dolly Siregar as Natasha Rizky's attorney said that what had been decided by the panel of judges was in accordance with the agreement between her client and Desta before the trial took place.

"The agreement is in accordance with yesterday's agreement. It is impossible for us to mention the others," Dolly Siregar told the media crew, after the verdict hearing at the South Jakarta PA.

Regarding custody, Dolly said, the three children will be cared for by Natasha Rizky. However, Desta can visit her children at any time.

Dolly also revealed that Desta and Natasha Rizky, who during their marriage had two houses, would occupy one of them each.

"The children have a deal in Caca, only Desta takes care of it together. There are two houses, one is one," Dolly said.

"Their house problems have been arranged, which one is for Desta and which one is for Caca," said Hendra Siregar, Desta's attorney.

Regarding the distribution of assets, Natasha Rizky's attorney said there was no distribution of Gono-gini assets.

Meanwhile, regarding his income, Hendra Siregar was reluctant to mention the nominal that his client had to give Natasha Rizky.

"We cannot convey the nominal, what is clear is that Desta's request has been granted by the panel of judges," concluded Hendra Siregar, Desta's attorney.

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